One deadline down, one deadline to go. Perfect time for a glass or two of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc and some dithering about yesterday's screening of Order of the Phoenix. Beyond the LJ cut be SPOILERS, even though we all kinda know how it goes
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Comments 30
Oh god we live right beside the UK why isn't it out til Thursday why isn't it out LAS WANT. And because I know perfectly well OotP's too long, I don't give a damn about how often they get out the secateurs!
I do love me some Draco, but he does fuck-all in OotP anyway. But as per my last post... do we get Snape's Worst Memory? Do we? PLEEEEEAASE tell me yes!
Unfortunately, Voldie (sigh) does not sweep her into his arms when they make their final getaway. She goes up a flue.
Yes, Snape's Worst Memory is there, but it goes by fastfastfast in true flashback mode. And Harry sees it in Snape's mind, not in a pensieve. But we get the gist: James Potter = sneering brunet version of Draco. Snape = HANDSOME MARTYR OMG.
You know... I think I'm justified in seeing it IMMEDIATELY and not waiting until a friend of mine is back in the country in the weekend so's we can organise an outing. Because I'm totally going to see it more than once anyway. :)
Latter-day Snape freaks out, and Harry, while he looks shaken, doesn't comment on his father as bully -- I think those questions are being held for the next film.
Also, the flashback isn't seen in a pensieve. Harry boomerangs into Snape's mind. Which saves valuable screen time, I suppose.
Mostly, though, I'm intrigued by your love of Armani!Ralphemort. Because every time I see that in trailers, I giggle uncontrollably.
I liked OotP as a book. CAPSLOCK!Harry was a bit much, though. I think I had less of a problem with changes in the film because I haven't read the text since it came out, so it's all kinda blurred into general HP history for me. I'm not attached to specific scenes. Well, except the baby headed death eater. I did miss him.
But does this mean that there's no RON/BRAINZ in OOTP? That will kill me!
So excited for Lucius, though. Maybe I'll download it and just fast-forward to those scenes. Heh.
I found myself somewhat disturbed with the last one that despite the noseless, hairless, pale, evil grossness that they turned Ralph Fiennes into... for me, they couldn't quite take the sexy out.
I shall be disturbed no longer. I MIGHT AS WELL EMBRACE IT!
Dude, he speaks Spanish fluently! Well, enough so that the BBC Mundo interviewers could do a whole piece with him in slow, but correct Spanish. That's in addition to him speaking Hebrew and at least some Arabic. Be still, my lingist-geek heart, I tell you!
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