in fact, mean people suck so much that I'll hit them with a bus one of these days. This lady at work was probably the most evil, processed-looking shrivled shrew I've ever had the misfortune to come across. He butt-ugly annoying excuse for a daughter was equally annoying and after I run over her mom/grandma/whatever relation the lady was, I will
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Comments 4
nose: 3j94ich
elbow: emoricxhgb
tongue: emorich
chin: dm lorfikcihngb
feet: ermorfic hb
eyes closed and one finger: enitich
back of my hand: nm,kikrfyhgb
palm: motr9chu8
mouse: emorich
wrist: 4rmtrye8ich
that was fun
Type your username with your:
nose: gheee5555555-jjjjesus
elbow: ghhhhetto_jesus
tongue: ggghhhhetto_jesssus
chin: ghgettooooooooo_jesus
feet: ghertytyoo_jersduuusssssssssss
eyes closed and one finger: ghetto_jrdif
back of my hand:ghtr5yttto_nbjsezsw7husx
palm: hgreyttpo_kjersdjucd
mouse: ghetto_jesus
wrist: ghhertto_kjresdu7sd
My key board tastes funny HAHA!!!!
elbow: jkdiqaghb98oo
tongue: macjabill
chin: m azckabill
feet: mmmm cvlksanbiopl;l;
eyes closed and one finger: mackavill
back of my hand: kqacfqazb hi8ool.
palm: mac vb ill
mouse: mackabill
wrist: maqz1xckasbniooiol
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