(no subject)

Jun 03, 2007 14:49

Dear flist, you probably have no clue what this is about. It concerns the banning of 500 LJ users last week. Check it out if you're interested.

To people looking to share this post, copy all of the text in the box (click, Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C), and paste. That simple. The only changes made are involving pronouns (first person to third person) and phrases like "comment here" are changed to "comment on the original post." Please ONLY use the text in full, but use it everywhere it is appropriate. Link, copy, and share as much as you want. Link in a comment to any news articles you wish. E-mail as you see fit.

I don't know if I'll be providing HTML for the updates, but if so, they'll be on this entry as well. Add them to your entry/entries if you'd like.

LJ has not done what they http://news.livejournal.com/99515.html">said they would. Fictional journals and survivor journals remain suspended. Taking 's http://community.livejournal.com/innocence_jihad/138228.html?thread=2149108#t2149108">suggestion, there has been a list compiled of the still suspended journals, searched Google Cache for each, and the findings are below. Unfortunately, only eleven personal journals and six community journals were cached. As such, this post is intended in part to provide information, but also to request it. If you know any of the still suspended members or communities, and are confident that they are wrongfully suspended, please comment on the original post linked below with the username and provide as much information describing the journal as you can; getting info from the user or a mod would be very helpful.

Here are the still suspended journals, taken from 's http://community.livejournal.com/innocence_jihad/95848.html">list:


Community searches were phrased as "community.livejournal community name" with underscores replaced with hyphens, as they appear in the URL.

The communities which were not cached:
, , , , , , , , , , , ,

NOTE: might be cached; it brought up more pages of results than the OP can go through. Somebody please verify.

The cached communities, with a brief description of the stored info:
  • 's profile and journal are cached. The name clearly indicates the nature of the comm. A few choice rules, "You have to be 18 year old or older to join this rule and your birthdate must be fully visible on your userinfo. There are no exceptions to this rule." "Stories posted...can be fictional..."

  • 's profile is cached. It appears to be fictional in content, but please correct the OP if you have more information to indicate otherwise. "This community will serve as a PG-rated version of incestuouslove. Basically, this is for members of incestuouslove to post more mainstream stuff they'd like to share with each other, but you can still post stories if you want to."

  • 's profile and journal are cached. "Purpose: This is a members-only community for people willing to discuss the pros and cons of childlove and childlovers (minor-attracted-adults and minor-attracted-minors) rationally." Its profile ambiguously states under the rules of admittance section, "Your LJ openly states that you are engaged in or plan to engage in illegal activity involving a minor. That puts the entire community and all of our members at serious risk, and is misleading to the intent of it. It's best to avoid illegal activity in general, not just that with minors." However, two rules up, a rule begins with, "You will not be approved if..." so anyone paying attention would assume that phrase should have gone on the beginning of the rule. A rule of membership is, "This community hosts discussion concerning ethical issues, including discussing actions and materials which are illegal in the United States. Anyone admitting to illegal activity for which they have not been prosecuted, or who posts material which is illegal in the United States, will receive an immediate and permanent ban."

  • 's profile and journal is cached. It looks like a very innocent icon content comm, though none of the icons are viewable.

  • 's profile is stored. It's not very informative, but lists "rape counselling" as one of its many rape related interests.

  • has three public entries cached. The first, a mod post, states, "...this community is set up for teenage girls to be able to talk to older men and ask them questions about sex and relationships." The mod also states that this community was remade from an old comm due to problems with stalking, and implies that the offending members were not invited to the new comm.

Personal Journals

Personal journal searches were phrased as "username.livejounral" with underscores replaced with hyphens, as they appear in the URL.

The journals which were not cached:
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The cached journals, with a brief description of the stored info:
  • 's profile is cached, but doesn't provide much info.

  • 's profile is cached. The journal is entitled "Journal of a Pedophile: My Day to Day Life" but the profile is otherwise uninformative.

  • 's journal and profile are cached. From the profile: "DISCLAIMER: Notice to all persons and organizations to whom this presents: Neither this website, nor its holder, in any way whatsoever, either explicitly or implicitly, or by any other construct, condones, encourages, approves of, advocates for or recommends adult/child sexual interaction, or any other crime, period. That message conveyed, then, I am a girl lover, pedosexual, pedophile..all of those and a whole lot more." The OP hasn't gone through the journal entries extensively; if someone else could, please comment with any significant findings at the original post linked below.

  • 's journal and profile are cached. It is "a 'friends only' image journal of trevor brown."

  • 's journal is cached. Potential statutory rape is described, with being the victim. The majority of the content of that post is under a cut and inaccessible, however.

  • 's profile is cached. She states that she is a part of fandom and the journal reflects such, and strongly implies that she is an incest survivor in the line, "NOTE:I didn't put 'incest survivors' on my 'interest list' just because I got bored!" The account was Permanent.

  • 's journal and are profile cached. They are in Russian. If anyone can read Russian, please check it out and comment on the original post linked below with your findings.

  • 's profile is cached, and it looks like LJ made the right call on this one.

  • 's profile is cached and not very informative.

  • 's journal is cached. The content is rather questionable.

  • 's journal and profile are cached. While there are minor profile issues, the only potentially objectional entries are fictional.

Additionally, http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=8&view=full">this FAQ can apparently be used even if the journal is suspended. Please pass it on to suspended users you know, and if they are willing to provide any materials from their journal to prove that it is a fictional or fandom journal and otherwise innocuous, ask if you can share it at the original post linked below. Updates will be made periodically.

Any other methods of accessing the content of these journals would be greatly appreciated. Comment with a description and an update will be made with it, as well as any information retrieved using it.

The mistake has not been corrected. Not only did LJ make a gross error by banning the 500 journals without an investigation in the first place, but they haven't even restored all of the wrongfully suspended journals. By ignoring that fact, we are making it clear that we have no problem with their half-assed repairs and refusal to follow through on their commitments.

If you want to link, share, or cross post this to your personal journal or other relevant communities, please do. Part of the problem is that so few people are concerned that there are still unjustly suspended journals. The raw HTML for this post is provided http://nodescriptor.livejournal.com/58034.html">here; use it in full, and comment on the original post with where you posted any unlocked entries, so we can check out that discussion too.

Originally posted http://community.livejournal.com/innocence_jihad/139850.html">here. Updates will be made to the original post.
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