Oct 02, 2005 16:32
so its been a few months since i've been on this
-Robert still hasn't come back
-I have a few new loves, Valencia, All Time Low, and The Spotlight
-The Originals are back
-MYSPACE kick major ass
still no B/F to speak of
Jun 28, 2005 19:45
so summer's been pretty sweet so far. nothing bads happened yet and im going to six flags on saturday so im excited.
Jun 14, 2005 22:59
so yesterday was the last day of school and summers been pretty boring so far. had my little JuanFest on Saturday. kind of a going away party for Juan. yesterday i hung out with katelyn and today i went to KFC with Caleb, Sean, Ted, and Mark and then went to a Spotlight show with Nastia, Catherine, Jill, Kat, and Collin.
May 24, 2005 22:39
schools almost out!!!! im so excited, just thought i should let you know. its pretty sweet. goin to Abi's house tomorrow with Steph B to hang out with her and Caleb. its gonna be so much fun
Apr 28, 2005 20:33
so, yeah, havent written in here in a while. i saw greenday in concert over the weekend. it was the greatest concert ever! i've been a little emo lately but i guess ill get over that, greenday made me feel better. i love them, even if their music isnt AS great they will always be great.
Mar 18, 2005 23:54
so um, bored as shit. just finished watching raise your voice. just gotta say. wow, what were they thinking.
Jan 27, 2005 23:16
hey guys its laura, so this is my first entry and yeah. so yeah. my friend got sent to boarding school, how much does that suck? i cant see him until AFTER i get out of high school. thats a year and a half away. so not fair but we write to each other so its not so bad. gotta go. luv yas.