Jack O'Neill
Jack is coming from about five years after a creepy gray dude stole his ass and made
this guy. He's spent 7 years leading expeditions to other planets and saving the universe countless times, a year commanding the home base while OTHER people got to do that, and two more years in an office in Washington giving orders to the people who gave orders to the people who got to do the fun stuff, and reading reports. He's a smartass, and "mouthing off to gods" is one of his favorite things to do, next to fishing, hockey, drinking beer, and watching The Sampsons*.
* New peeps! This is the
meta for that show with Homer and Marge and their kids. Don't have a cow, man.
Captain Jack's Wild Ride
Jack has bought himself a boat, very much like the
one his alternate universe self owned in Moebius, parts 1 and 2. He will graciously allow you to pay him money to use it. Yes, the boat IS, in fact, named after the great Homer Sampson.
Just a quick note: Jack's rank in the Air Force is Major General, not Captain, and the proper form of address is "General O'Neill". He'll call himself captain while he's on board, though, because he's the one driving the damn boat. If the real Captain Jack on the island wants to make something of it, they can always get into a fistfight or something.
Agnes, Sokka, and Max
Are my other characters. I've already done
an infopost for them.
I'm a dork, a programmer, a math nerd, a video game aficionado, and fond of bad puns. I'm on Eastern time, and you can catch me on AIM at fh sarcasm guy. I'm also married with three kitties, which stunningly coincides with something
someone else wrote.