PRIVATE to self; Possibly hackable, but only by someone who gives a fuck what Sasuke says a LOT to get through the Internets.
I don't feel good.
Accueillons to a tragic regnum.
名 自杀;自杀者;自灭.
(I'm not sick. I'm not sick.)
Aatmahatyaa upapadyate, bhavantam gadati?
(But it's not.)
Really sore.
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Comments 33
You're going.
Believe me when I say you're going. ♥
Believe me when I say most of the shit I say, unless you know I'm lying, in which case you can bash my brains out. But seeing that I'm not lying, and if I ever am lying its usually as a joke with you, I'd ask that you refrain from doing so. Unless, y'know, I really really deserve it. And I mean really deserve it. REALLY REALLY. Don't go prematurely bashing my brains out with, like, a lamp or some shit.
I'd ask you if you were okay, but I know that's not what you need to hear, so I'll just wait for you to tell me something that you don't want to. Maybe I'll turn to stone, 'f I sit long enough. And don't ask me how or why I hacked that. I usually don't.
Just got a feeling or some shit.
Don't ask.
No way.
Fuck no.
I've got no reason to go to another party.
(Leave me alone.)
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