When someone tells you, "You're like sex, but on fire!" You better think twice about it. Let me break it down for you pictorially in an arithmatic way.
There seems to be a stereotype with tattoos. Like an association that everyone makes with it. If someone has a tattoo then they should fit into a certain mold
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What will your last impression of your 2010 summer be? Could it be that fishing trip you took up north and you accidentally caught the line on your fly? Possibly the late nights that involved alcohol and ended with Facebook statuses and tweets of, "For the nights I can't remember with the people I can't forget"? No, then I think I got it - it will
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There's nothing like some internet therapy - tweeting, flickering(?), word-pressing, live-journaling ... ect. What does it all the do? What do they all have in common? Nothing much, but give access for others to see how you're doing
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