Where were you 1 hour ago? At Ai-Lun's school, sorting out my "engagement" cakes.
When is the last time you filled up your gas tank? Last time I was in Chicago. October 4th.
What is the most amount of money you spent in one store? Ummm... the $2400 inlaid marble table I bought in Agra.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Oh yeah. This laptop is on a pink pillow, a phone, a bag that used to have wedding invitations, Ai-Lun's shorts, probably some other clothes.
When is the last time you went to the mall? To pick up or drop off? Pick up would be October 4th, when I got my last set of mail before leaving Chicago. It's usually delivered to me or my room when I'm abroad. To drop off, I'd have no clue.
Are you wearing socks right now? Yes.
Do you have a car worth over $5,000? I don't even have a car.
When was the last time you drove out of town? Out of Chicagoland? That would be the trip to St. Louis with Ai-Lun back in late August. Out of Taipei? I haven't left since I got here, and I definately wasn't driving.
Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Nope. Did watch Chicken Little on DVD.
Are you popular? Nope.
What was the last thing you had to drink? I think it was a cold jasmine tea, heavily sweetened. At lunch 2 hours ago.
What was the last thing you mailed in the mail? Application for an International Drivers Permit. (Where else whould I be mailing things?)
Do you wash your car? See #7.
Last fast food you ate? It was beef in oyster sauce sizzler. Not that great.
Where were you last week at this time? Sitting in this flat... probably mucking about on the computer.
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Not 100% sure if it was in the past week, but it was a couple flannels because my winter jacket is a bit overkill here.
What do you want to be when you "grow up?" No clue.
Your dream vacation? Not quite sure, but it'd be nice to get to Australia and New Zealand.
Last boat ride you went on? A ferry ride across the bay from Qingdao back to Huangdao, in China.
How old are your parents? Mom is 19, or so she claims. Pa is soon to turn 58.
Are you in love? Yes.
Do you have any single friends? Sure do.
Last play you saw? What the hell's a play? Proper play in a proper theatre was probably 4-6 years ago... I think it had something to do with Bohr.
Have you been to New York? Twice, even.
What are your plans for tonight? Erm, not quite sure. Probably more wedding planning. Trying to figure out how to properly ship my laptop back to Chicago for repair.
Last concert you went to? Ooooh, good question. I'm pretty sure it's a 4 band "festival" in a stadium in Indramayu, Indonesia. The music was bad, but definately an interesting experience.
No question with this number in scottjames' entry. Fool.
Ever go to camp or been camping? Both.
Were you an honor roll student in school? IMSA didn't have an honor roll, AFAIR. I was in Jr. High.
What is your current GPA? Not Applicable. But, if you're looking at performance reviews, it's just above "Meets Expectations," which doesn't mean squat.
Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? No. The only one I would even count under that is my aftershave.
Are you hungry? Nope, had lunch 2 hours ago. But I do have a hankering for the cherry-flavored Vitamin C tablets we have... but I don't know where they're hidden.
Where is your best friend located? Here, Chicago, Toronto, elsewhere as well.
Do you own a cowboy hat? Oh, hell yes! Not like I ever wear it, but it's hand made, and I like it. Don't know if it works as well without the hair.
Do you have a tan? Meh, maybe?
How old do you want to be when you have kids? On one hand, 33. On the other, 30.
Do you collect anything? Foreign bills and coins. The latter gets expensive, especially in Japan.
Is this quiz annoying? It would be if I had something else I wanted to do.
Last time you got pulled over? Er, crap. Since you're already pulled over after an accident, I'll have to say 1998, heading up to Vish's graduation.
Ever been arrested? Not yet.
Been to Mexico for Spring Break? I haven't even been to Mexico.
Do you like hot sauce? Yeah, as long as it's not overly concentrated. This whole "1 drop" will make it super spicy leaves 90% of the dish not-hot, and the remaining 5-10% around where the drop landed unbearable.
Last time you had sex? Couple days ago.
Do you need to do laundry? Eventually.
How many friends do you have? Don't know... haven't finished wedding invitations yet.
Are you someone's best friend? Haven't asked.
Are you rich? Richer than that guy.
What are you thinking right this minute? Maybe I shouldn't go for the 100 question quiz in willthethrill's journal. And this is a pain to do through LJ's web interface. I miss Semagic on my computer.