i attempted this tutorial but i have no idea how you got the eyeliner to work. i can't seem to figure out how to do it. if you could give me any more information on how to do it that'd be awesome :D i LOVE this tutorial :D
hmm... well I did all that but it just doesn't look right. Did you use black? and what kind of brush did you use and what size? maybe that's what I'm messing up?
Yes I used black. I think I used like a size 8 for the thin liner and like a 12 for the thick, but I don't really remember. I used the airbrush. Did you make a new layer for each set of liner?
Comments 25
Poor Adam, hehe ;D
effin' awesome.
i LOVE this tutorial :D
You use this airbrush tool.
( ... )
Congrats on making such an amazing tutorial... I love it.. and it has really created some... interesting and great pics...
I look forward to more totorials from you...
Great stuff!
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