I went back to Mt. Rainier this weekend. Well, not the main peak itself, just the foothills around it. It's really pretty there, although there were tons of roots and rocks in the trail which meant having to watch the ground most of the time
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There are days I wish there were some way to shut down my mind. About now, any day I get little sleep counts as one of those -- and napping doesn't help since my mind is likely to start racing the instance I lie down and am not actively thinking of anything in an attempt to fall asleep.
I was invited hiking with a group yesterday. This meant being up at like 6:10 so I could meet people in time. We met in front of the near-downtown REI where I'd bought new hiking shoes the morning before and set out for Mt. Rainier Nat'l Park
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I was about to put a fleece blanket I had in the laundry (yeah, I know, fleece pills. It needed washing, though) when I decided to look at the tag to see if it gave specific instructions. I was very confused when I saw it told me to "wash inside out
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