Farfour, the Hamas knockoff of Mickey Mouse, was martyred in the show's final episode by a "despicable, criminal terrorist" who was trying to buy his family's land.
This is what passes as a children's TV show? It's important to understand the mentality of the people the Israelis are up against.
Jun 28, 2007 11:45
Good news. I retook my drug test yesterday. My urine was the color of 14 ct gold. No way was that too watered down
Read more... )
Jun 26, 2007 11:19
So I took a drug test on Monday, and I had some test results come in. Apparently, I didn't give a valid sample because I drink too much water. So I have to take it again and if I don't have enough stuff floating in my piss, they'll rescend my job offer.
So.... How am I supposed to make peepee without drinking something?