Title: Eggs Benedickt
Pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crack-ish, romance-ish.
Length: 2k
Summary: Baekhyun is a brunch enthusiast. Chanyeol is a waiter who likes to plate food inappropriately. Aka, breakfast with a free side of penis jokes.
I apologize in advance... )
Comments 27
though if it's a mix of both, i totally understand. ;)
(thank you for reading ^^)
This is literally the best thing I couldve woken up to this morning! Omg this is so hilarious and Kyungsoo very nearly stole my heart with:
"But, if you don’t talk to him today, I’m never brunching with you again. I don’t care how you do it; exchange numbers, plan a date, you could even take him up on the offer to try his special sauce in the back for all I care, but goddammit do something before he goes full dick-in-a-box on us and I’m scarred for life."
Also, this line was the most adorable thing, I swear my heart burst from feels:
“Maybe. But you kept passing by in the mornings, and I started to wonder if you preferred chocolate chips or blueberries on your pancakes."
I love this fic. thank you so much for this^^
(P.s I will also say that it is VERY unusual to read about putting red or green chilie on your burrito, because I thought that was only something asked where I live. Ive never had anyone else ask me in other states. It made me really happy to see this.^-^)
burritos aside, thank you for leaving such a nice comment. I'm glad the fic kicked off your morning in a good way. I also, very much adore kyungsoo -- he get's shit done, like a good friend should.
thank you for readddinnngggg ^^
I can only wish you would write even more in the future ! Hahha
who knows what will happen the next time i have trouble sleeping~
thank you for reading and commenting!
hahahahaha chanyeol definitely got creative :P
thank you for reading <3
i laughed more then i should on this xD
thanks for reading ^^
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