it's weird to me; life is. guys are a complete mystery to me. maybe he's confused emotionally with me? since you've had this girlfriend that you've been seeing for almost 4 years. i just want to be your friend. don't make this awkward. please.
I'm in such a shitty mood today. Or not really today I just got into a shitty mood like maybe 2 hours ago. I don't like being in a shitty mood. I just think it's rude when people do things. It's not like it's intentional though.
Amburgerrrrrrrrr: a spanish slave? Amburgerrrrrrrrr: or something uhh murder: keychain Amburgerrrrrrrrr: don't they still have slaves uhh murder: a cool one Amburgerrrrrrrrr: a cool slave? uhh murder: no uhh murder: dammit amber uhh murder: quit pushing my buttons Amburgerrrrrrrrr: it's what i do, baby.
Amburgerrrrrrrrr: I'm really upset that you mooned tess and myself Amburgerrrrrrrrr: I was way too close to your ass. Bass Brahhh: Hahaha Amburgerrrrrrrrr: Since your butt is like my height, it looked like I was getting ready to investigate in there. Bass Brahhh: Hahahahaha omg