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M ind the new rules that have gone up over the course of the last round. NOTE: We've noticed that some of the prompts being posted have Thor characters only making cameos or not featured at all. We realize that Thor is closely involved in the Avengers, but we're requesting that
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So basically I want Tom staring at Chris in random moments (while talking to him, while Chris is talking to other people, while Chris is minding his own business or working and you got the memo); always close and slightly obsessed to the point Chris starts to get a little creeped out.
+ Bonus points if Tom has no idea of what he’s doing, totally oblivious to the fact that he has a crush on Chris.
+ Lots of love if you include anyone from the Avengers cast giving advices, making fun or anything really :)
It’s hard to not stare at Chris. There is a magnetic force that surrounds the blond actor; like Chris is the North Pole and Tom is the needle in a compass.
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