Title: 3AM Pairing: ZiKyung Genre: i have no clue. Angst? Romance? Idfk I threw in some jokes, too. So Comedy. Rating: R(language and rated R fics are hip hap) Summary: Sequel to this Zico is drunk at 3AM and needs Kyung.
sobbing from your comment at the end. it's so truuuuuueeeeee poor kyung baby always trying to make zikyung happen, oh sweetie ^^; and this was like the perfect fic for my about-to-pass-out-due-to-taking-two-sleeping-pills reading pleasure :3
you and your love for your one-sided otp, man. idgi. thighs are just one part of a person!! okay!!
anyway, i liked this a lot ;A; i guess, losing my religion left me feeling so overwhelmingly sad? and even though this isn't some neat perfect happy ending, it's still a happy ending, and jfc i love happy endings ;A; jiho would be the type to finally, finally think about what his friend's been through way after the fact, and be broken up about it, even while kyung's accepted it. and the last little scene, with jiho being all ~protective~ was so cute. ah, i liked this a lot a lot :3
the only typo i caught was here: Having the fact he preferred men over women out in the open was still knew to him.
I just reread this on my phone and its like reading on my phone points out all my typos --
I was thinking of giving this a happy ZiKyung ending, where Zico slowly starts to realize maybe he doesn't like sweet honey thighs, but pale toothpick legs, like Kyung's. C: but no. I couldn't stray from my undying love of one-sided fics. I'm a horrible person ㅠㅠㅠ
I'm glad you liked it <3
Now I gotta go fix all those typos and type up that JaeCo.
This story is just- the ending is a little bit sad, more like bitter-sweet but somehow I really liked this. The flow, how the actions from Zico's side seem so natural and Kyung- who's already gotten over everything. I liked how you managed to get rid of the somehow tense atmosphere with a few silly jokes and cute moments.
Thank you for sharing this great story with us ^^ (Ah I wish I could write as good as you do but shhh on that one)
omg stop I'm not that good of a writer. haha I just own a thesaurus :P but thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it <3 I'm really glad you liked it ;~; I was scared people would be mad I didn't give it a ZiKyung ending but this ending just felt... right
Write more~!!! One-sided love stories are to die for. xD I adore Kyung (although Zico, Taeil, and Jaehyo are my favorites. I might have to add Kyung to that list now xD). This was too awesome (and the prequel was, too. I made sure to read that one first. ^^) This was the perfect way for me to stay awake. lol
Comments 31
poor kyung baby always trying to make zikyung happen, oh sweetie ^^;
and this was like the perfect fic for my about-to-pass-out-due-to-taking-two-sleeping-pills reading pleasure :3
I'm glad you liked and read my fic :)
Thank you for reading <3
anyway, i liked this a lot ;A; i guess, losing my religion left me feeling so overwhelmingly sad? and even though this isn't some neat perfect happy ending, it's still a happy ending, and jfc i love happy endings ;A; jiho would be the type to finally, finally think about what his friend's been through way after the fact, and be broken up about it, even while kyung's accepted it. and the last little scene, with jiho being all ~protective~ was so cute. ah, i liked this a lot a lot :3
the only typo i caught was here: Having the fact he preferred men over women out in the open was still knew to him.
I was thinking of giving this a happy ZiKyung ending, where Zico slowly starts to realize maybe he doesn't like sweet honey thighs, but pale toothpick legs, like Kyung's. C: but no. I couldn't stray from my undying love of one-sided fics.
I'm a horrible person ㅠㅠㅠ
I'm glad you liked it <3
Now I gotta go fix all those typos and type up that JaeCo.
Thank you for sharing this great story with us ^^ (Ah I wish I could write as good as you do but shhh on that one)
but thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it <3
I'm really glad you liked it ;~; I was scared people would be mad I didn't give it a ZiKyung ending
but this ending just felt... right
I'm glad I was able to keep you up and entertained :)
Thank you for reading.
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