[Well that had been an interesting respawn. One moment he's on fire, the next he's waking up in a warm squishy bed with a very attractive nurse hovering around and making sure he was comfortable. Spy might have acted on that, had he not succumbed to his initial panic of being maskless
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[He's following BLU Sniper's handy little hint about the hospital. Pretty much everyone in Paradise wants out of Paradise and the hospital that they woke up in would likely shed some light on the situation.
He's been ignoring his 3step and he isn't really trying to be subtle, he's meandering the halls acting as though he has a purpose so as not to arouse suspicion.
It's when he sees what he can only describe as himself sitting on a bench that the plot truly thickens. He creeps a little closer, out of the line of the other's vision and stands over him, looking curious.]
Are zhose marshmallows?
I get my very own clone? How eenteresting. And oui zhey are. Eef you want one you have to do a trick little clone.
[So the clone is bigger than him. Shhh.]
I was 'ere first and by ze looks of it, I am taller zan you. If anyzhing, you are my little clone.
Non, I do not care for zem. [unless they are submerged in chocolate.]
Where did you come from?
[He is ever so inconspicuous in his Dashin' Hashshashin. You're jealous, he can tell.]
[/not jelly, never jelly.]
So zhen not-clone, what are you doing here? Or what am I doing here?
[Eats a few more marshmallows.]
Good luck finding zhe RED base. [He turns, that's what you get for being sarcastic.]
You are a terrible clone.
Besides, if I take you back to ze RED base Sniper will never forgive me.
Unless, zere is ze off chance you know 'im?
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