Testing. Testing. One, two, three. Ah, is my wand on? Oh! There we go! Aaaaaaaahem! Welcome back to the Quidditch stadium, folks! I hope you...
despised yesterday's match as much as I did - well except for Natalia's lovely playing~ she's so graceful on a broomstick~ I just can't keep my eyes off of her! Aaaaaah~ and I get to watch her play today, too~ well, not this match, but the next match! All the rest of you can keep your bleeding eyes off of her and watch Alfred Jones instead. Oh, and that reminds me! I'd like to dedicate this next match to Professor Bonnefoy! The GREATEST potions master that Hogwarts has ever seen~
John, please get that camera out of my face, I'm trying to see--
I'm sure you all remember these names from Wednesday's match~ first off, we have the lovely, lovely Quidditch players of my own house: Ravenclaw! Captain and Beater Emiliana, fellow beater Abigail Hills; chasers Moon, Yao, and Eduard; Keeper Sindre, and Seeker Robert!
Now we have the Hufflepu--John, the camera, please-- Captain and Keeper Wilhelm Van Peeters, Chasers Ion, Berwald, and John; Beaters Kim Nyugen and Susan Jones, and Seeker Lili! Good luck to both teams, but mostly Ravencla--John, please that's my arm!!
And now let's begin the match! Players mount their brooms and take their positions! Sir Carriedo releases the Quaffle and--
--Ion has the Quaffle! He weaves through the players with ease! He takes a shot and - oh, centre goal! Ten points to Hufflepuff! 10-0: Hufflepuff.
Sindre throws to Eduard, Eduard to Moon... Moon takes it down the field and -- throws to Yao just in time to avoid a side-tackle by Ion! Yao tosses back to Eduard, Eduard circles the goalpost and chances a backwards shot! And he makes it by a hair's width! The score is now tied 10-10! J-John, I know the excitement's getting to you, but I can't see the match when you're--get that camera out of my face!! D-don't look at me like that, professor, he's the one distracting me!
See? You made me miss a Hufflepuff goal, John! A-ah, the score is now 20-10.
Ah! A bludger out of nowhere from Kim! Eduard is down! Nailed right in the face! That's a penalty shot for Ravenclaw! Moon takes the shot, and--! Wilhlem catches it and tosses it to Ion! Ion takes the quaffle and thunders down the stadium! He shoulders a Ravenclaw chaser away and takes his shot-- 30-10: Hufflepuff. Come on Ravenclaw, you've got this! John, watch your mouth.
Ion has the Quaffle again... unsurprisingly. He dodges a bludger from Emiliana. He shoots another goal. 40-10. His last name may be different, but he is a Braginsky. Brutal as those lot come... thank goodness he didn't inherit the big nose.
[Goddammit, I'm too lazy to type up so many goals, you guys.]
The score is now a-at... 150 t-to... to... t-ten, still....! Ravenclaw is a chaser out, the beaters seem to be distracted, and the keeper appears to have given up... it's all down to the seekers now... if Hufflepuff scores two goals or more, Ravenclaw won't stand a chance even with the advantage of 150 points! W-we need a miracle... a-and... John, I would appreciate it if you didn't... act that way when I'm this distraught...
And now Sindre throws the quaffle to-- oh, Hufflepuff's seeker is skyrocketing after Robert. I can't... they're shoulder-to-shoulder... I can't see them behind the cloud break. Wait, wait... they're both hurling towards us now...! Oh, oh, oh! And another jackknife up into the cloud-break... I-I can't handle this.... my heart is racing, my blood is-- wait, they're returning... n-no...
Lili has caught the snitch... i-it's... the game is over 300 to... to... ten. Oh, would... John, please hold me...
...th-thank you for attending, ladies and gents... I'm... this means that Hufflepuff takes third place and Ravenclaw in... l-las--fourth... [sniff]
There will be a short half hour recess for the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams to prepare... stick around and hope there won't be... a-any more disappointment.
All right, professor, I-I'll do it. John. John. John. Stop cheering. You're going to scream my ears out...!
I no longer dedicate this match to Professor Bonnefoy... It's... it's too disheartening.
B-be-be su-sure to st-stick around for the next match...!
((ooc: I must ask that all Gryffindors and Slytherins keep from posting about the match until I finish with the commentary. It will be posted before 3PM MST. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs feel free to write about the match!))