i remain defenseless agaisnt the rage in my heart, hoping not to spill the burning pain, all these flames. and knowing the way i feel for this is just an illusion in my time, when i start to die down ill remember those lines
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New Years still isnt all that new, time just changes but everyones mental issues and fucked up disfunctions remain. without all the "life-taking drama" who would stay sane
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So, (my mind just remains to self destruct of desirable skitz) work hasnt been very hard lately and its a better feeling then before but its annoying me crazily. heh
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friday was unusual for me only because im not use to being around 5 people who the whole time played on the comp. its just a little weird to me. heh. but its cute how jimmy just loves that shit. he was really happy to have his friends there and to be with me in between. i was glad he was so happy
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