
Jan 18, 2013 15:26


Blueish Stefan icon tutorial requested by petite_tomate
If you want to request some tutorial here is  my thread for Ask The Maker activity ;)

I had to recreate the icon, I'm sure I have the psd, but I can't find it :(
I hope this is close enough!
Anyway, it is very simple!

Let's start!

I used this cap. The thing is that the cap is blueish, so I didn't had to start from zero.
I recommend you to start playing with the variations and with color balance.

I cropped the cap and made a new Curves layer.
RGB: Output: 160 | Input: 63
Red: Output: 138 | Input: 151
Blue: Output: 196 | Input: 181

Color Balance.
Midtones: -5, -2, +16

Then, I took this texture [I'm so sorry, but I don't remember who made it, if you know, please let me know!]
and put it to Darken 23% opacity.

Color Fill with this colour (# 372c26), put it to Screen with 65% opacity.

And.... that is all! Pretty simple, right?
This is my result:

I hope this is useful for someone! :D


Cordy icon tutorial requested by tardis_mafia

I used this cap and cropped it.
I made a new Curves layer.
RGB: Output: 100 | Input: 48
Green: Output: 145 | Input: 132

Make a new layer of Brightness/Contrast
0, 8

Make a new layer of Photo Filtrer.
Warming Filtrer (85) 25%
36% of opacity.

Duplicate the cropped cap and drag it above all the layers.
Desaturate the cap. Then go to Gaussian Blur:
I put it 2,4 px but that is up to you!
Then set it to soft light.

And now were're going to make the light thing! It is very simple
I made some 'textures' (If we could say they're textures. LOL)
I only took the paint tool and painted with black colour the areas I wanted to darken,
and then I painted with this colour (#e5d8bc) the areas I wanted to light.
It would be something like this. Put it to soft light 17% opacity.
Not enough dark, right? Do the same thing but only with black colour.
I got something like this. Put it to soft light.

Very easy and simple!
This is my result:

I hope this is useful! :)
If you have any doubt, please let me know and I'll try to resolve it!

»Comments are really apreciated.
»Please, don't just copy/paste, be creative!
»Resource post  here.
Tumblr | Welovecaps
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