Character: Senel Coolidge
Tales of LegendiaCharacter Age: 17
Canon: Tales of Legendia takes place aboard the Legacy, an abnormally large ship which is actually home to an entire continent. Senel Coolidge and his sister, Shirley, arrive here accidentally after escaping from a certain group who sought to capture the latter on account of her powers. Unfortunately, she is taken by someone else just after their arrival. Unbeknownst to the world at large, Shirley happens to be the Merines, the chosen one of a group of people called the Ferines. A long time ago, there was a war that broke out between the Ferines, who were people of the sea, and the Orerines, who were people of the land. Now that the chosen one has surfaced once again, the animosity between the two races has been rekindled, and Senel sets forth to rescue Shirley and reach a peaceful agreement to stop the war before it’s too late.
Senel is the protagonist of the story, although he starts off rather self-centered, abrasive, and generally antisocial. He’s only concerned with the safety of his sister, and he only trusts himself to take care of her. He refuses help and runs off on his own, but eventually he realizes that he can’t do it alone. Once he learns to trust the new friends he’s made along the way and accept their aid in completing his tasks, he softens quickly. While he still maintains an overall serious nature, he is able to laugh and joke with them as well. He can be competitive, and he won’t back down from a challenge even if it was posed against his will. He remains protective of his sister and of his friends, but he respects their freedom to act upon their own wishes. He’s made great strides in terms of his maturity and wishes to repay the kindness and insight his friends lent him along the way.
NOTE: “Phantom Dragon Dance” is an attack move of Senel’s.
Sample Post:
It figures. Every time you're running late, you hit every obstacle and wind up even later. Why exactly am I doing this again, anyway? Just because I've got some experience under my belt doesn't mean I'm the authority on fighting. But try telling that to a bunch of gorillas, right? Ever since I happened to "save" one from that large sea creature, they haven't stopped following me. (And actually, it just happened to be nearby when I was taking out that monster, anyway.) But what's done is done; no use dwelling on it. Let's see, was this the building?
Looks like it. Sorry I'm late, everyone. But it looks like everyone's still here, so I'll get right to it. This meeting was called because I was asked to teach you all some basic combat skills. While I've heard it's been relatively peaceful here, it never hurts to have the means to defend yourself. Granted, this is my first time teaching gorillas... But so long as you're all willing to put forth the effort, then I'm not giving up, either. I was thinking that it's probably best to pair up for this, but before that, I'll need a volunteer so you can see it before you perform it. Any takers? Don't be nervous; it's just practice, so I'll go easy on you.
Okay, you in the doorway with the... skin condition. You're not a gorilla; do you even go here? This session was supposed to just be for them, but I guess it won't hurt to have you along, too. No one else was volunteering anyway, so let's get started then. First off, we're gonna start with defense. You want to keep your fists raised and positioned close to your body, prepared for an attack at any moment, like this. Now you try aiming a punch at me. Give it all you've got; don't worry about hurting me. That's it! Did everyone see how the attack was stopped? Now we'll try it in reverse, so I'll punch and you block. Hands up, like I showed you! And... Take that!
Oops, sorry. I must have used too much force. I didn't mean to knock your arm off like that, but it reattaches pretty easily, doesn't it? Hey, gorillas, calm down! It's not like the same thing's going to happen to you. Stop panicking or you're just going to end up hurting yourselves. You two in the back! Didn't you hear me? We haven't started yet, so you shouldn't be hitting each other. Hey! I said, break it up! Yeah, I know the purpose of this meeting was to learn how to fight, but if you can't control yourselves, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. There are times when you're going to have to use physical force, but it's also important to know when those times are. Acting on raw emotion alone rarely gets things solved, and chances are you're going to end up with a lot of regrets, whether or not your actions prove to be successful... Still ignoring me, huh? Then it looks like this is one of those times. Phantom Dragon Dance!
Sorry, looks like I forgot to go easy on you.
Voting took place here! )