I've been wondering this a lot, especially while looking at old pictures. Of course they have to change with our faces, but I think that the feelings behind the smiles change as well. I remember writing in a written journal a long time ago something like, "I save my smiles for Francis." A lot of things have changed since then, and it makes me
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Comments 4
You have a nice smile. It doesn't look tired to me.
Life is "experiencing it and struggling to get to the next week". That's what we do. That's living. One of the rules of life, no matter where or when you live, is that you work your life away. We happen to work less here and now than in most societies in the history of the world. You know you're living because your heart is beating and your lungs are moving in and out and you're thinking and you feel confused and lost ( ... )
I don't like to think that living takes fooling.
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