Title: A Superstar's Private Love Affair (Part 2)
nougatcaramel Pairing: Yamada/Yuto Yuto-centric and POV
Genre: Angst, Romance, Friendship
Rating: PG
Summary: Yuto struggles to keep his affair a secret for his group.
“Tadaima.” I feel so frustrated. I walk to the house feeling every step closer to my love an agony. I hugged him from behind when I reached him.
“Oh! Okaeri Yuto! I didn’t see you coming. I prepared basashi, your favourite.” He turned to me and hugged me back
I look at him and I caressed his face. I don’t know how I look while I was doing that because his smile faded into a worried frown.
“Is there something wrong?” he asked with worry.
“No. Nothing. I just missed you.” I lied. I just can’t let him know what I have to do. I can’t bear the thought of him getting hurt.
“You sure?” I smiled. He really knows how to read me.
I just smiled and hugged more tightly. No, I won’t let you go. Never.
As usual, I accompanied him to his school before going to Jimusho. Before we part in front of the gate, I hugged him. We stayed like that a little longer than usual and that’s when I saw my manager inside his car nearby eyeing us displeasingly. His stare gave me chills to the bones as I realized what his stares mean. I let go of Ryosuke and kissed his forehead.
“I’ll get going now. See you later.” He nodded and entered his school.
I went to my manager and he signalled me to go inside his car.
He drove slowly. The atmosphere was somewhat deadly.
“If a fan of yours sees you with him, you’ll be done for and so is your whole group.” He said, finally breaking the silence between us. I cringed as he said that.
“Don’t do that again specially outside. Have you told him about our conversation yesterday?”
“No, he doesn’t need to know. I’ll handle this without hurting him.” I said, my eyes looking at nowhere.
“Are you sure it won’t be more painful than telling him?”
“Trust me.”
Yabu, Hikaru, Inoo, Keito and I decided to eat outside after our recording. Yes, we are finally releasing our first album since a lot of people know us already and we have gained a number of fans. I never thought that we will reach fame that fast. As we step out of the Jimusho, I was surprised to see Ryo-chan running towards me.
“Yuto! You left your phone at home.” He said, panting.
“Oh! Thanks Ryo-chan.” I hugged him. Then I realized that there are some fangirls around and are staring at us suspiciously. They walk towards us and one of them spoke.
“Who is he Yuto-kun?” she said with her eyebrows raised.
I looked at Ryo-chan then to my band and I said, “Ah… He’s my… He’s my Personal Assistant.” I didn’t realized what I have said until I looked at Ryo-chan and sees his almost tearful eyes.
“Really?” another girl asked.
“Yes. I’m his PA. Yuto-kun is just really sweet to everyone that’s why he hugged me a while ago. Ah… I’ll get going now Yuto-kun, bye guys!” I was surpirised at his answer and was frozen. I didn’t know what to do nor what to say, so I just stared at his retreating back. I felt miserable that I said that, but it’s too late. The damage has been done.
I dashed my way home after my bands little celebration. I felt so worried that in our entire hang out I was silent, looking down and my group noticed that so they asked me to go home already.
“Tadaima! Ryo-chan?” I called out for him as stepped inside our house.
“Ah! Yuto-kun, you’re home. Uhm… Are you hungry?” I can see sadness in his eyes and it made my heart break.
I held his face between my palms. “I’m so sorry about a while ago. I’m just… I just panicked and didn’t realize what I was saying. I shouldn’t have said that. I really sorry Ryo-chan, I didn’t mean to.” I hugged him really tight and felt relieved when he hugged back.
“It’s okay Yuto-kun, I understand. I understand that uor relationship is forbidden in the eyes of your fans. It’s alright. I don’t want to be the reason of your downfall.”
I released the hug and look at him in his eyes. “Thank you. Thank you and I love you.” I couldn’t help myself but to kiss him. I feel so blessed to have someone like him in my life. I just hope I’m not abusing his kindness to me.
Note: It's gonna be very angsty I'm afraid. Hope you like this to. Sorry for the late update of this Kath.