Title: Steep (Chapter 14) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Takaki/Yamada Genre: Roamnce, Angst, Fluff Rating: PG Summary: Takaki fell in love with his wife's son ??
Title: Steep (Chapter 13) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Takaki/Yamada Genre: Roamnce, Angst, Fluff Rating: PG Summary: Takaki fell in love with his wife's son ??
Title: Steep (Chapter 12) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Takaki/Yamada Genre: Roamnce, Angst, Fluff Rating: PG Summary: Takaki fell in love with his wife's son ??
Title: A Superstar's Private Love Affair (Part 3) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Yamada/Yuto Yuto-centric and POV Genre: Angst, Romance, Friendship Rating: PG Summary: Yuto struggles to keep his affair a secret for his group.
Title: Steep (Chapter 10) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Takaki/Yamada Genre: Roamnce, Angst, Fluff Rating: PG Summary: Takaki fell in love with his wife's son ??
Title: A Superstar's Private Love Affair (Part 2) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Yamada/Yuto Yuto-centric and POV Genre: Angst, Romance, Friendship Rating: PG Summary: Yuto struggles to keep his affair a secret for his group.
Title: Steep (Chapter 10) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Takaki/Yamada Genre: Roamnce, Angst, Fluff Rating: PG Summary: Takaki fell in love with his wife's son ??
Title: Steep (Chapter 9) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Takaki/Yamada Genre: Roamnce, Angst, Fluff Rating: PG Summary: Takaki fell in love with his wife's son ??
Title: A Superstar's Private Love Affair (Part 1) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Yamada/Yuto Yuto-centric and POV Genre: Angst, Romance, Friendship Rating: PG Summary: Yuto struggles to keep his affair a secret for his group.