Title: Steep (Chapter 10) Author: nougatcaramel Pairing: Takaki/Yamada Genre: Roamnce, Angst, Fluff Rating: PG Summary: Takaki fell in love with his wife's son ??
OW MY GOSH!! the complication is nearly at the peak now!! KYAA!! *blood start crawling up to my head now n I'm getting ecstatic* ahh?? will they divorce?? or will he run away?? *hoho my brain is working hard*
already back to college now?? congrats!! let's work hard, ne??
yay they finally admitted! but its just gonna be for one week. well like what takaki said, make the most out of the week! i'm so excited at what they'll do! :) poor takayama.
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ahh?? will they divorce?? or will he run away?? *hoho my brain is working hard*
already back to college now?? congrats!! let's work hard, ne??
I'm a freshman in college this coming school year :)
Thanks for reading and commenting!
BTW, you're first!!!!!!
hmm..freshman.. remind me of my self last term.. yay!this coming school year I won't be the freshman anymore :) BTW congrats!
YAY! I'm ninja in training XPPP
or even good, you found new love while outstation..lololol
poor takayama.
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