Jun 15, 2008 18:04
Does anyone else feel like there's something not right about the concealed guns on university campuses thing? I can't quite put my finger on it but it just feels wrong. I don't feel safer knowing that there's MORE concealed weapons around me.
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Comments 8
And I completely agree with you, of course. People are convinced when there's a shootout, some good person will of course have a concealed gun and take out the murderer before he or she can mass murder more. Yep--I'm sure it's that simple. And as you said, it's the people they don't suspect who'll be doing the shootouts--merely keeping the guns away from the people with criminal records (which won't happen anyway) is not going to cut it. And Jesus, I'm not a sports person, really, but the random jab at athletes?!? Geez.
And how long before people are just playing around on campus? Trying to see if so-and-so can shoot the apple on top of so-and-so's head?
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