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suggestions ]
1. Treat your fellow players with respect! We understand that conflict cannot always be avoided, but if you have a problem, please contact one of the mods.
2. No godmoding. Godmoding is assuming or stating another character's actions without their mun's consent, and is heavily frowned upon in all kinds of roleplay.
For example, "Judas punched Lulu in the face and sent her flying" is not okay, while on the other hand, "Judas moved to punch Lulu in the face. If it connected ..." is perfectly acceptable.
Leave room for the mun to make a choice and for the character to react.
3. Activity checks will be every two months. Characters must have either posted in the main Novi Pompeii community, or have participated in a log in
novilogs at least once during this two-month period.
4. All logs that contain content that is rated R or NC-17 must be friendslocked. This includes explicit gore and sexual content.
5. Please check with the mun before using a PB that's already being used by a character.