APPLICATION: Final Fantasy Tactics - Ramza Beoulve

Jul 20, 2009 22:08

This application has been ACCEPTED.

NAME: Jesse
CURRENT CHARACTERS, if any: None at the moment.

SERIES: Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX)
RESERVED: (Did you reserve the character? Y/N) Yes.
PERSONALITY: (What your character is like, brief description)

"Hear me, Ramza. For generations, we Beoulves have stood foremost of
those who serve the Crown. Ours is the soul of the knight. Become a knight
worthy of your name. Tolerate no injustice. Stray not from the true path. You
will know the path you must walk. A Beoulve can...can walk no other..."
-Barbaneth Beowulve, Knight-Gallant, upon his deathbed.

Such words were among the last uttered by Ramza's father, and have irrefutably shaped his heart, mind, and life. Ramza, in spite of being a scion from a line of knightly noblemen fully intent on following in his family's established path, stands out from many of his fellow knights (and, arguably, nobles) as being a thinker first and foremost, a fighter second. While he is driven to action by a strong sense of duty, he approaches his challenges and dillemmas with careful consideration and scrutiny. Furthermore, as his family's last-born son- and bastard son, no less- coming of age while his siblings all held high ranks of knighthood and estate, Ramza has been blessed with sincere humility and is often unencumbered by personal matters of ego. In spite of this, he is no stranger to the pains of emotion, albeit often appearing somber or introverted in place of anger or hatred- even when it would be, arguably, justifiable. However, in spite of outward appearances, he is not one to forget injustice- let alone to forgive it- and though he may appear calm or morose, he is more likely to return the favor later, with discretion and subtlety, than to lash out in anger. In spite of his aspirations and deeds, he is burdened with a heavy and sensitive heart, and above all else values chivalry and kinship.

TIMELINE: (From which point of the story you are taking your character) Post-game.
BACKGROUND: (Character history, summarized to the point provided in the timeline)
Many fanciful stories tell tales of ascension and triumph; wherein a common man, through his commitment to kindness and love, rises from the depths of pain and obscurity to peace, fame, and prosperity, his efforts redeemed with a grand recompense of power and happiness. Few souls would tell or hear tales of suffering and hardship, where title, kin, and happiness are abandoned in the endeavour of such ideas as 'justice,' 'peace,' or 'truth' in a world that would insistently pay them no mind. Fewer still would hear of princes abandoning their thrones never to return, of kind souls becoming pariahs in the eyes of the people, their exploits unknown and untold.

Those that would, however, would know the truest heroes of all.

Ramza Beoulve was a promising young man, the last and merely half-blooded son in a line of nobles and heroes- His father, Barbaneth Beoulve, being an esteemed Knight-Gallant in the order of the northern sky, his mother a woman of no name or title. Even in his boyhood, much like his father, his mind was one of temperance and contemplation, and his humility enough to find comfort in the close friendship of Delita Heiral- the son of an impoverished farming family, taken with his sister Tietra into house Beoulve after their parents' death at the hands of the black plague. With both of them enlisted as a knight-cadet at an early age following the great Barbaneth's passing from illness, they showed promising mettle and skill, both looking forward to a bright future as proper knights and heroes in the order of the Northern Sky.

However, no noble would ever know the pain and hardship of impoverished peasants in the aftermath of a war seven years fought- least of all the powers that be. While Ramza and Delita were away on duty seeking to rout a rising anarchist brigade terrorizing the nobility, Tietra was taken hostage in a raid on the noble houses of Eagrose, mistaken for a scion of noble blood. In defiance of the orders of his fellow nobles and his own order of knights, the two embarked on a mission to see her returned safely; it was not in the interest of nobility to save a girl of common blood, and any attempts to clear the situation with words fell upon deaf ears on both sides. The incident culminated with the dissolution of the anarchist brigade, but not before a final standoff with the brigade's final loyalist- a standoff which resulted in Tietra's untimely death, both Ramza and Delita watching aghast as the nobles saw a mere common girl as no impediment to action or arrows.

Ramza emerged from the incident confused and horrified. The ghastly acts of the manipulative aristocracy- of his own blood, no less- broke what little kinship remained between him and his family. And as Delita ventured to retrieve Tietra's body, the ignition of a stockpile of power and munitions seemed to destroy the final tether to the life he'd always known. Gone were the comfortable illusions of noble blood, the tears and pain of the wretched no longer quieted, his back no longer turned to the wicked truth of an uncaring world.

And it was turned, instead, upon the wicked ways of uncaring nobles.

Years later, in a time where the king of all Ivalice would fall dead with the prince still in his infancy, a power struggle emerged between the two kingdoms seeking their place as Lord Regent. Ramza would find his skills put to use as a meager sell-sword, but a chance encounter while assigned to protect Princess Ovelia of the royal family brought him eye-to-eye with a relic from his old life he'd not wished to leave behind... Delita Heiral, kidnapping the Princess while wearing the colors of The Order of the Southern Sky. In his pursuit, the two came face-to-face on the battlefield, but friendship and pure intentions won over political rivalries and the two would see themselves united in defense of the princess. The two would part ways once again, albeit relieved at each others' well being, but not before Delita confided a crucial bit of information to Ramza: A conspiracy that would reshape the powers-that-be in Ivalice. And, his eyes opened by his manipulation in the past, Delita's vow to not stand idly while the nobes plotted their campaigns.

To protect the Princess, Ramza entrusted her to the Holy Church of Glabados in Lionel, whose neutrality would uphold even in the midst of a kingdomwide war. However, the Church had its own plans for Ivalice, and in the end would serve only their interests as a political entity... and the princess was qutie a bargaining chip in their hands. Hoping to rescue Ovelia from their clutches, Ramza returned to the church at Lionel only to come face-to-face with the High Cardinal Delacroix... who then assumed the form of a demon in hopes to silence Ramza. His attempt ultimately failed, but the murder of a High Cardinal would brand Ramza as a heretic to the entire land... and ensure that there would be none who would hear his words accusing the church of conspiracy and demonic pacts.

Learning that the Church sought the use of holy relics to accomplish both of these goals, Ramza took the advice and company of his younger sister, Alma, in tracking down the relics so that they would remain safely out of the church's hands. However, Alma would soon fall into the clutches of the Knights Templar, the elite soldiers of the church and prime manipulators of the Church's actions. But while the Church and its cardinals sought politcal control over Ivalice in halting the war between the warring factions, the Knights-Templar sought instead the revival of a fallen angel- one who had threatened the earth before in the very gospel of the Church. Ramza and Delita would come to each others' aid once more in their efforts to end the war before the Church's involvement, ultimately causing a standstill that Delita, instead, would use to assume political power... following the convenient loss of both potential Lord Regents, of course.

The tendrils of the Knights-Templar stretched as far and wide as the gospel itself, unfortunately, and to the end of saving his beloved sister Ramza was forced to do battle with the Church, knights and brigands on every step of his path, and in the end even his own kin proved to be a party to the conspiracy: His patricidal oldest brother, Dycedarg, found his sentence for conspiracy and the murder of Barbaneth at the tip of Ramza's blade, and his remaining brother Zalbaag- who had been a staunch defender of his brother even at his darkest- found himself a miserable puppet of politics and later magic... and would only find repose as Ramza put him to a tearful, bloody rest. Foiling the demonic plot of the Knights-Templar led Ramza to a final battle in the lost ruins of the previous battle with the forces of darkness, his own sister hostage to forces far more fiendish than any aristocracy. Yet, Razma and the small list of allies he'd gathered in his travels would put an end to their demonic deeds once more.

His actions against the church and its conspiracy hushed for centuries, Ramza's name would only live on as the bastard son of his noble house who'd murdered his own brothers and vanished off the face of the earth.

ABILITIES: (List and descriptions to the best of your ability)
Though Ramza is a learned man in many methods of combat, his primary areas of expertise are in swordsmanship and leadership, though he has dabbled in magic to a lesser extent.
(Mun's note: For many of Ramza's ingame abilities, only names and functions are provided; I've attempted to provide some reason to his unique abilities in accordance with his character.)
-Swordsmanship: Ramza is a very proficient swordsman due to a combination of formal knighthood training and a great amount of combat experience spiced with often-mortal danger. He is very apt, accurate, and deadly with a good blade in his hands (Albeit less so with blades of Asian design such as katana or nodachi.)
-Ambidexterity: Following on his abilities with swordplay, in spite of his frame Ramza possesses a great deal of strength and prowess, and is capable of wielding two swords at once- even ones of exceptionally large size such as claymores.
-Armor Proficiency: Ramza is well-accustomed to fighting in all varieties of armor, including while holding shields.
-Throw Stone: While hardly a unique or even impressive ability by any stretch of the imagination, one of the first survival techniques Ramza had learned in combat training was the simple action of hitting an enemy with a thrown rock. While it is not very noteworthy as an ability, it would be likely to ping memories regarding his training or service as a cadet.

-Mettle: As an experienced leader, Ramza knows the right words to bolster a unit's speed, courage, or strength. When spoken- or, more often than not, barked or shouted with austerity- The target will find his or herself suddenly invigorated;
-Steel: Ramza utters an inspirational word or command; the target will find themselves spiritually fortified, their fears becoming replaced by grit and determination.
-Tailwind: Ramza urges his target to take immediate action; said target will find him or herself rushing with adrenaline, prompting expedience in action.

-Salve: Any good knight-cadet knows the importance of adequate preparation; but a GREAT knight-cadet knows improvisation as well. Ramza has learned how to create a simple topical salve on the fly, the likes of which is capable of curing minor ailments such as impaired vision, mild to moderate poisons, and a lost voice.

-Chant: While his training may be combat-oriented, a heart such as Ramza's knows sympathy like none other; as a result, Ramza's compassion and sympathy may manifest as a luminescent cascade of healing energy, the likes of which can cure moderate wounds at the expense of exhausting Ramza's stamina reserves.

-Shout: The same principles of motivating one's troops work on oneself. As such, when faced with a difficult (most often combat-related) situation, Ramza's emotions come pouring out in the form of a magnificently loud kiai; in addition to being a very impressive sight, Ramza reaches the apex of human conditioning and determination as a result, with a massive boost in strength, magical prowess, speed, and unshakable courage, until the rush of battle has left his senses.

-Ultima: One of the few magical abilities in Ramza's arsenal, calling forth a pillar of blue light which then erupts in a very impressive impressive and equally damaging explosion. However, Ramza is also stuck with the unfortunate circumstance of having only learned such a technique through a relevatory experience; and, as such, he will not be able to learn it again through any means short of being struck with a near-identical technique. We are very unlikely to ever see this come to fruition, but it's worth mentioning should the situation arise, and it's worth a chuckle until then.

-Disbelief: Magic is, in essence, a practice of faith; and in sorcery there is no room for doubt, lest one lose the subtle spiritual ties to the arcane. A bit of spiritual magic can jar this fine attunement with ease, temporarily- though completely- severing one's heart and mind from the reaches of magic. Whoever is subject to this befuddlement loses any magical aptitude they possess for a short period of time- yet, as a curious side effect, gains total immunity to all forms of magic, whether damaging or beneficial.

-Trepidation: One of the simplest impulses of the human mind is also one of the simplest to manipulate- in a fight-or-flight situation, a person must choose whether to lash out in self-defense or to simply flee. And a bit of mental magic can give a person's decision a helpful nudge- or, perhaps, outright shove- in the direction of cowardice. However, it's also known to be fairly unreliable, and Ramza does have a bit of a babyface...

-An awful lot of abilities: Ramza actually has access to nearly every ability and ability set in the game that does not belong to a unique character. As it would be both cumbersome and ludicrous to feature or list them all, just take it on good authority that there is quite a lot he can do, and consequentially quite a lot we won't be seeing here.

BIRTHDAY LOG: Yes please.
DREAM: (Describe the dream your character has upon arrival; this counts as a sample RP of how you'd play your character, 3rd person POV)

The sun was setting on the horizon, though its feathery warmth and light bathed him as though it were all around him.

He was seated atop a hillside, a soft, buzzing hum from his lips filling the air. He had pinched a blade of grass between his fingertips, and its subtle motions guided by his breath would join the harmony of unseen insects... one with no presence or meaning that he could identify, Yet as that sun seemed to settle onto the horizon and the sky turned a smoky red, they seemed to grow louder, almost as though playing back a response.

But that harmony soon became a bitter one, a desperate minor chord filling his ears... his lips were pulled away and grass flute blown from his fingertips, but their music was unyielding. And as that solitary reed drifted across the wind, carried on that dischordant breeze, he stood and followed, too fond of his instrument to let it leave his grasp...

And with every step he took, the song grew louder. Reed flutes, not unlike his own, singing a baleful melody that was painful even to acknowledge. He was shocked to find his own flute leading him to the sun itself... but even more surprised to see it not be a sun at all.

A castle. A flaming castle. Or possibly a temple, with tall spires belying molded and crumbled walls, the horrified music resounding within its walls. People were inside... they were trapped, with no hope of being able to climb free.

His meandering walk became a desperate sprint, his fists striking the door. It would not yield. He slammed and beat with all his might, but the melody only became angrier. Arms gripped his wrists, his legs, tried to restrain him. He couldn't stop... someone had to let them out, even as his bones cracked and his knuckles bled.

One last lunge, however, and his hand tore through the door, ripping like a fine layer of silk. Murk clouded from his eyes. The hands released, and he fell ahead into the blinding light...

JOURNAL SAMPLE: (A general idea of what your character's first journal entry would be like after s/he settles into temporary housing. Pretend s/he has already had a birthday log.)

In faith, it comes as a bit of a shock; Waking from within a cocoon, nestled 'tween the branches of an enormous tree seems to be more a dream than the one I awoke from. Well, I'm certain someone will have an answer, ere I shall seek one myself. Though, sadly, I aught know where to begin; even these clothes and board seem to be on borrowed graces.

Ah- I was told that the peoples of this tree can read my writing? I suppose I should be wary lest my words aught do me justice. But it I beseech you, keen readers, ink in where I may at least find a more comfortable set of clothing!

ASPIRATIONS: (This is really just for the modstaff's benefit. We want to know if you have anything you'd like to see happen to your character in Edensphere, since that helps us help you with regards to those goals. We want to make this as fun as we can for everyone!) At this point I'm mostly interested in roleplaying one of my favorite heroes. I'll see where it goes from there.ABILITY UPDATE REQUEST SUBMISSION posted here.

app: 2008/12/12 revision, applications

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