1st Annual Nuke Mini Bang!

Feb 17, 2013 00:08

Presented by Nuke’s Love Shack

Why a Mini Bang? Well, why the hell not? And also because we think a minimum of 500 words makes this challenge easy to take on for not only longtime authors, but fic-writing virgins. The bottom line: if you’re a Nuke fan, you’ve got a story within you. And we wanna read it.

So first-timers, go ahead - dip your toe in the Nuke fic pool. Use a beta to give you feedback on what you’ve written, pointers on posting your story to livejournal, etc. Who knows? After completing this challenge, you might even find yourself ready to take on nukebigbang this summer.


1. The story should primarily feature Luke and Noah (or Van and Jake) interaction, and be a minimum of 500 words. There is no maximum length.

2. Art for your story (graphics, gifs, banners, icons, fan vids, or fan mixes) is optional. You may include art within your fic itself, or link to an art post created at the artist’s own journal. In either case, credit your artist in your story master post. There will be no art signup post; you can arrange your own artist, or create your own art.

3. No WIPs (works-in-progress), please. You only need 500 words. Though if your story goes to 15,000 -- awesome.

4. Please proofread/spell-check/have someone beta your story. If you can't find a beta, please message a mod - wheelie47, seajellybaby, or random_nic) - to assist you.

5. Your story should be new/not previously published elsewhere. It will be posted in your own journal, and should not be visible to others until your posting date. Please wait until the conclusion of the event to share your story at other sites (i.e. luke_noah, Nukefic.com, Fanfiction.net, etc.).

You will link to your fic by creating a master post at nukeminibang that includes this information:

Word Count:

Plus any of the following that apply:

Author’s Notes:

You MUST place a warning on your fic if you include excessive violence, non-con, or other potentially squicky things to readers. However, if concerned about spoiling your own story, you do not have to specify what the warning is for. A general warning i.e. “Read at your own risk” will do.

If you’re unsure whether your story needs a warning, contact random_nic. (Just fyi, “character death” will not require a warning.)

Please set your story master post here and your story itself to “public”. You will need to join the community to share your fic here.

The timeline

Your story should be completed by your posting date. The posting schedule will go in order of the sign-ups; iow, if you sign-up first, you're up first. The mods will post a schedule before it's time to begin sharing stories.

HOWEVER. You may trade posting dates with another author, IF both authors and the affected artist (if applicable) agree to the switch. Please don’t wait until your posting day to decide you need a new date.


Sign up by commenting on THIS post. You may post your fic idea, or just announce your participation and keep your story a surprise. While not required, porn is both welcome and encouraged. ;)

Thank you!

P.S. Please use the code below to pimp Nuke Mini Bang on your own livejournal or community -- thanks!

http://nukeminibang.livejournal.com/311.html">http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h442/ficnic/NukeMiniBanggraphic1.jpg" />

nukeminibang2013, mod post

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