Title: Sparks...
Pairing/Characters: Megan, Colby/Simone(aka The French chick)
Rating: G
Summary: He wanted sparks...
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: Slight spoiler for 4x09 - Graphic
Notes/Warnings: My first drabble...a response to the challenge thrown down for me by
cerisereve. Those who know me will know immediately why this was my first choice for a prompt. Consequently, my dorkiness will shine through in this one. Might be kind of cheesy. I'm not known for my conciseness. :) Part 1/33 in
The Sparkling Series.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, regrettably - it's not mine.
He lost the bet with Megan. She managed to find a woman for him who, in theory, was every man’s fantasy. Educated, disciplined, cute little French accent, flexible… he mused with a lop-sided grin, and she was beautiful to boot.
Two years. That was a long time without a date. But he was picky. He wanted sparks. He wanted fire. He wanted that reaction he’d seen in his freshman chemistry class… iodine mixed with ammonium hydroxide, drying and exploding with the slightest touch. Would she be that for him?
A hand shake… a smile…
He’d have to keep searching.
Encounter, Part 2>>