Three AM, making a poster. Data looks nice and it's basically an update on a poster I did last year, so I kind of am reusing all the formatting, adding two graphs, deleting one, and changing the conclusion section
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Spent another few hours in Labor and Delivery last night. I was in some pretty serious pain. I have been all relaxed etc about the insane amount of contractions I have every day. I don't really pay attention to them anymore, but yesterday afternoon was totally insane. I waited a few hours in really serious pain from cramps that were completely
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Lungs are feeling a bit better (though still limiting my daily activities significantly) just in time for my pulmonologist visit today. I'd like to approach it with some enthusiasm and excitement like I'm going to get some help to feel better and some answers. It might help that the doctor I"m seeing is likely to be the chief of medical
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Christmas was a whirlwind which has included some serious shortness of breath on my part, now lasting 1.5 weeks. I went to the OB last monday and she wanted me to call a pulmonologist, which I did not do until yesterday. I was feeling good about getting an appointment on Thursday, but after today in which I did NOTHING and felt like I was
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First some non pregnancy related talk. I'm working on the same stats and reorganizing data to do analyses on. I've come to the decision I can't do what I want to do in R in a timely fashion because I just don't know how to tell it to organize my data so it can perform a two way anova. SAS doesn't require anything
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tomorrow is the ultrasound and will theoretically reveal the gender of this crazy baby.
Place your bets. Five generations of only boys on my husband's side of the family. (That's a lot of boys. They are trying to convert the world to their last name).