Title: (15) Love Really HurtsPairing: Kyusung, slight! YeHyuk
Genre: Drama, Angst
Summary: Kim Jongwoon or better known as Yesung rarely speaks. What would happen if he crosses paths with Cho Kyuhyun, a bully who seems to hate everyone in the world?
Rating: G
A/N: this is unbeta'd. Keep the errors as a souvenir! Don't kill me yet!
love was a wonderful feeling but he concluded that love really hurts )
Comments 16
i've written this chapter months ago and this is the chapter i love the most. so there's a little trivia.
ANYWAY, can I kill Kyuhyun? Now? pleaseeeee~ Kibum can have Yesung. At least he doesn't hurt my baby on purpose and tell him that he hates him and all those super mean things >.< WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT KYU!?!? Why are you so mean... I want to strangle you for what you did to my poor Yesungie... But Yesungie loves you so unfortunately I can't kill you or I'd be really sad... but still, I very very mad at you >.<
Just out of curiosity, was the song Yesungie was playing on the piano 'Love Really Hurts'? Cuz it was the song you were playing (as per mentioned) and it's a sad song about love that describes what Yesung is feeling...
MY POOR YESUNG >.< MY POOR POOR BABY!! LET ME HOLD YOU!!! I just couldn't take it... He got his poor little ( ... )
the song played here in this fic is Love Really Hurts. yes. haha...
eunhyukj became the most likeable character here because of this chapter. he's like superman you know.
thank you for reading and commenting! it's highly appreciated!
but sorry for making you cry. it was intentional. :3
thank you for reading and commenting! it's highly appreciated!
I didn't know this story (just saw the 15th chapter today, on Miracle Community)so I read everything and what the hell with this end ???
Yeah okay, it's not the end yet but it's awful é_è I didn't see it coming... KyuHyunie is so mean...
I laughed like a crazy because of their first meeting XDD
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Why? Why does Kyu have to be so mean? Especially since Jongwoon just talked to Kyuhyun about Heechul being rejected so horribly. I kind of wanted to slap Kyuhyun for rejecting Jongwoon so harshly.
I really wanted to just give Jongwoon a hug and curl up with him until he finished crying. (And then go yell at Kyuhyun)
Good thing Eunhyuk was there, or who knows when Jongwoon would've been able to actually speak up and let Donghae and Heechul where he was.
I want to know how DOnghae will react to seeing Eunhyuk after he screamed he hated him. (Though it's really all Donghae's fault for being oblivious)
Ahh everyone has problems. Except Henry who got his dad and sister, though I wonder if he will be back to Heechul and Jongwoon's.
So much drama Ron! It's awsome and curious and I can't wait for the next chapter.
thank you for reading and commenting! it's highly appreciated!
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