Title: Why?Pairing: Kyusung, Eunhae, YeHyuk
Genre: drama, tragedy
Summary: Yesung's whole life, he's worn a mask. Will this eventually crumble due to stress or will he finally be free of it as he remove it compliantly? Sequel to
The Lost ChildRating: PG-13 for abuse
angelye (
Because you're cuter )
Comments 18
I feel really sorry for Yesung who is about to lost his voice. I can't imagine a world without Yesung's voice 0_0 I hope it will never happen in real life !
EunHae is cute and sweet. Chulie seems impredictable XD I can't wait to see him making plans to have KyuSung together !
Can I hate JaeJong ? I want to take my car, run over him and then move back and run over him again è_é
Thanks !
I'm sure Yesung wouldn't let himself lose his voice due to negligence. :) Thank you for reading and commenting. I highly appreciate it. :)
geez so many questions. And they thought the gay question was personal? I think they asked ones that were even more personal before that.
Kyuhyun still rushing for Jongwoon. You would think that if Jongwoon can call Kyuhyun, he could take care of himself for a few minutes before Kyuhyun got home without Kyuhyun needing to rush out. I know he's still young but...or is Kyuhyun still in panic mode with Jongwoon?
Soyeon scared Yesung away from Teukie's house. But at least maybe Yesung gets to stay with Kyuhyun and Jongwoonie. ^^
Look I commented right on time. haha
besides, wouldn't it be fitting for him to be the one being a ninja because he's also as weird as Yesung in real life?
they're a bunch of hypocrites. lol.
Jongwoon still doesn't like it when he's left alone. That's why Kyu gave him instructions on how to call him. :) awesum right?
i'm sooo hapy you managed to comment on time yet I'm the one who was late.lol.
I love those two together so I guess it's fitting that one would learn off of the other.
Well at least you admit it. haha
I'll keep him company so Kyuhyun can have Yesung time...(You know when I'm not in the far away land) ^^"
btw, the header fits your theme perfectly!
FANBOY KYUHYUN FTW! hahaha! that made me so giddy! it's so nice reading KyuSung fics with one of them a fanboy of the other :DD
LOL at ninja!Heechul! total laughtrip! hahaha!
HaeHyuk interaction makes me blush! they're so open with their relationship! (even sharing things other people don't want to hear XD
YES!!! YESUNG IS MORE THAN WELCOME TO KYUHYUN'S HUMBLE ADOBE! (I bet Jongwoon will love having him too since he wants Yesung to be his other daddy! *wink*)
so excited for what will happen next!! KYA!!!
thank you for the update Ate Ron! Made me happy too!
fighting! love~
awww, i'm hapy this chapter made you giddy. I'm sure the other chapter made you more than happy. lol. this is an extremely late comment so please forgive me for that. :D
and rhen? it's "Abode" not "Adobe". it's like you are referring to the software.
Fanboy Kyuhyun hihihi...he doesn't want his idol to be left out by EunHae conversation :D such a considerate fanboy..
Waa..Ninja Heechul..Can appear so sudden without everyone notice..Cooollll...
ROFL...EunHae conversation can even make the silent Yesung to screech...What a nice talk :D
thank you for going out of your way just to comment here. I really, really appreciate it! :)
Yesung will know Jongwoon! it's so exciting
Wonder about Yehyuk? any ninja or just friendship?
anyway, don't worry for the lenght, I enjoy every chapter and wait for more. Great Job!!!!!
sorry for the late reply. :)
oh and thank you fo commenting and reading! it was highly appreciated!
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