This is the post to post on if you would like to be added. I am sorry I am not keeping up with adds right now since I have just gotten back from my trip, but if you comment here I WILL get to you!
Also, please comment on which filters you want to be included on - the XXX filter or the friend/everyone else filter. ;)
I've done a lot of things in my short life, even if I don't feel like it's a lot of things. I have been a lot of things to a lot of people. I've had several jobs...but none of the jobs really fit who I was then, who I am this moment, or who I am becoming
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I don't know whether to be smug and self-righteous or to be plain sad for Linda. It sounds bad when I have my two options there, I suppose I could even be both. No doubt someone somewhere from my family has stumbled upon this journal and checks it occasionally... and well, this journal wasn't meant to be read by them
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It's amazing how much time has passed, and most times I don't even know anymore. Music...helps me remember sometimes. Most times, music helps me speaks, and dancing in me, and then I remember that time has come and gone
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Just wanted to say....Dec. 12 is Chicago..not so long eh? ;D
I hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day. Mine was pretty okay, but Jason is now pretty sick and I've been feeling off. I hope i'm not getting sick too...
And Aion is going quite well, now that I have a guild I enjoy. ;)
It's funny how I never used to use Facebook and yet now I update it more than livejournal. It's also interesting that what I update FB with has less substantive value than the fewer posts I make here on the journal
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This really makes me glad I am sterilized...I fear a world in which a woman loses her right to choose...because there is simply no other way but death - one kind of death or another.