► post this into your lj publicly. ► others will reply anonymously (if they'd like) with what they really think of you. ► cry, because this meme is so brutal, and it hurts.
lolol hit me with your best shot. I doesn't afraid of anything.
I THINk anon commenting is on, and all comments are screen sooo yeah.
So my grandmom called and was talking to me about various things when she brought up how it's official that the place where my grandfather works is going to close in 2012, which is going to force him to retire.
I feel like I should make a post lmao since I never say anything anymore. Ever. I'm still around; got a new AIM screenname. Its oldbayseasoned so add that if you want to talk to me
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Fml. My younger brother, Bryce, is in the ER now because of a dog bite to his hand.
I hope this doesn't fuck up his football playing, he was really looking forward to being a starter. I don't know how bad the infection is, or if it's not even that worrying, no one's telling me anything.