Genetic Engineering Proposed Yesterday to be Considered by British Parliament

Mar 21, 2013 14:53


For those who want to choose from the LINKS on this  Email page please do so. If you would like to go direct to to-day’s posting on “Live Journal” click here:

Make no mistake, we are in a battle to
the death with SATAN and his SPIRITUAL and PHYSICAL HENCHMAN. Thanks
to YAHUSHUA'S SACRIFICE, we need have no FEAR of SATAN, for he is already

If we understand the degree of our SIN, and have REPENTED, and are OBEDIENT to
YAHUWAH in the FUTURE by OBEYING Him, Yahuwah promises PROTECT us from anything SATAN
throws at us!!

1. “Great is Thy Faithfulness”

2. Tom Horn at the Science & Supernatural Conferenence 2010: 1-4 Oct 10th 2010. Yesterday on BBC TV News, Genetic Engineering was agian officially Proposed by the British Government, and will shortly be put before Parliament for approval. There is little doubt that it will probably be put on the Statute Book for Royal Consent. So please listen carefully to this presentation.

Because this video is fairly long, we will play Parts 1-4 now, with a Hymn in between, and then play the Parts 5-8. You probably will have to stop the presentation at the end of Part 4.

I Know Whom I Have Believed:

3. Transhumanism (5 - 8) Click on Link to to play Parts 5-8.

4. Live Out Thy Life Within Me:

5.Project Camelot interviews Duncan O'Finioan (1:13:28)
Tom Horn has spoken about “Super Soldiers” this morning, and the British Parlaiment are about to debate the Ethics of Genetic Engineering.
Duncan O’Finioan was trained from childhood to become a “Super Soldier”. Yahuwah in the Bible tells us about the “Nephlin” and what we can expect  to have to face in days ahead and how Yahuwah”s True People are commanded to deal with these Nephlin whenever we meet them.
However, I believe through Grace, Duncan O’Finioan has been taken out of the Clutches of SATAN, and is know learning how to become a “Warrior for Yahushua”.

Make no mistake, in Power of Yahushua and only in that POWER will we conquer all that is ahead of us. Anyone thinking otherwise, leaves themselves open to EXSTINCTION at the hands of SATAN!!

6. Crown Him With Many Crowns:

7. In Defence of the Lunar Sabbath Part  3 (34.46) Yesterday, we posted Part 2. Here is Part 3:

8. And Can It Be :

If we understand the degree of our SIN, and have REPENTED, and are OBEDIENT to
HIM in the FUTURE by OBEYING Him, Yahuwah promises PROTECT us from anything SATAN
throws at us!!

Grace and  Peace too All,

Norman Green-Price

PS: We hope you will persevere, as we believe this information is vital for you and your family. If, however, you wish to be removed from our list simply email us  or phone us 01547 550 245.

My thought has been to start a "Online Home  Church".I am unsure at present the form it will take , but you can get some idea from WLC's video
It will take a few days to put it up. This Posting will be the first Service. Those of you or friends, who would
like to listen and participate are welcome.
It will draw on many sources and will be topical, focusing on the Spiritual as well as the Physical, as NOW.                             

current affairs, "middle east conflict", "new world order", bible prophecy

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