“Social Engineering & Mind Control is Alive To-day”!

Apr 28, 2013 16:43

“Social Engineering & Mind Control is Alive To-day”!

4th Day of Unleavened Bread

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3 Months in a Row /  Part 7 Summary


1. Wake up America! - Dr. John Coleman (Illuminati, Committee of 300)


2. Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien, who have together come through the trauma of “Mind Control” now speak to the world on this day of Jan 15th 2013 of the Solution they have found, in a world that is trauma-driven, confused and hungry for answers.

Once you understand Solutions are available, then Cathy will explain her extreme experiences of “Mind Control” she had to endure, and the names of the Criminals involved. You will recognise them as people in government, who are now “household” names the world over.

As you get into this, you will understand how, I myself, unknowingly, and quite by chance, found myself on the same island as Cathy, Mackinaw Island, during the time of the Eisenhower Presidency.

President Eisenhauer warned us of this “Military,Industrial Complex”, which exists to-day and is such a danger.

At that time, I had no idea of what Cathy and Mark are revealing and, which then and now, thousands of “Mind Controlled” victims are suffering.

Cathy O’Brien (Mind Control Victim) (Each video is approximately 10 minutes):

I make no apology for subjecting people to these horrifying  facts, for, once you know the facts, you may realise they are sadly REALITY on a devastating scale in to-day’s world, and  if your attitude is right, You will know the Truth, and the Truth WILL set you FREE, as you accept the full Truth and obey Yawuhah and His Son.

If we are not shocked, then we are either, what our MIND CONTROL “controllers” intend us to be, CONFUSED, or worse, hardly qualify to be called human.

Animals behave better, and we could learn a thing or two from them, but even that is unlikely, as we are progressing at present!


3. In this clip Cathy speaks of “ Project Paper Clip”. This was the Operation in, which Nazi Scientists and other senior members of Hitlers "core elite", were smuggled into America by  certain top members of the Government after the war, including President Truman, who knew exactly what he was Doing!.


4. Criminals, now in charge of American Government and Mind Control, run the world. Once we understand what we are facing, and deal with it, we need no longer fear.

Cathy gives her experience at Mackinaw Island, Michigan and her horrendous ordeal with George Romney, the Governor and father of Mick Romney, the Recent Republican Candidate, who ran against Obama.

I myself was for six months in Mackinaw Island, but not at that time.

I was attending an MRA Conference with Frank Buchman and Internatioanl leaders. We were there for an entirely differennt purpose.

We were hoping to bring to the world the same solution that Mark and Cathy are working for now, namely Peace.

We were totally unaware of the appalling, horrendous things that were going on with Cathy and many others, in the name of America and Humanity.

This is still going  on under Michigan’s Governor Romney, in the name of a religion, and now continues under his son’s name, Mick Romney and his Governorship linked with the current President, Barak Obama.


5.They call it “Social Engineerinng”. This is run by Jesuits, and now we discover the new Pope is a “Jesuit”.

Cathy gives more evidence of her Mackinaw Island experiences and the educational system, which had been taken over by these Criminals , which has  led to the eroding of the American Constitution.

Lyndon Larouche, over the past 40 years has also made us aware of this dire situation.

We need to WAKE UP and realise the Real World we are facing, not this "Alice in Wonderland" scenario.

Face up squarely to what dangers our children and ourselves are in!


6. Cathy gives further shocking facts about America’s leadership, about George Bush and Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton and others.

Also what an opportunity this Generation has, if they can  only understand and overcome the issues involved:


7. Talk by Doug Rokke, former Head of the Pentagon’s Depleted Uranium Project, speaking about DU, November 16th 2002 at the University Baptist Church in Seattle.

Do you realise who this man is? He has been put in charge in the Pentagon of dealing with cleaning up the Battlefield in First Gulf War and later in Iraq of Depleted  Uraineum ! (57.15).

He’s not a “ Conspiracy Theorist”!

Because this is impossible to clean up effecttively, by now DU has covered the Globe, and your friends are probably dying from DU amongst other things!

Do you now realise why I am so anxious to get this information to all I can and what these Madmen, our so-called leaders are doing to the innocent and non-innocent alike?



current affairs, "middle east conflict", "new world order", bible prophecy

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