The 6th Day of “Unleavened Bread”
April 30th 2013
In case you lose this ‘Live Journal page”, make sure before you start to have this Link copied and saved on an easily accessed document (its on your email anyway), so that you can get back onto this page quickly.
http://ochterlany.livejournal.com/41825.html There are three main areas of subversive, deceptive activity taking place in the world, although most are totally unaware of what is actually going on!
a. In the political and economic domain.
b. In the religious, focusing on the Vatican and the new Pope.
c. In the deception of how to find the correct days of worship. This is probably the most important, for Satan is trying to usurp God’s, Yahuwah’s authority by getting all Mankind to worship himself, instead of the True Creator.
In this Satan is largely succeeding!
The King James Bible warns about all of these deceptions!
1. LarouchePAC Podcast 29.4.2013(34.03)
Larouche runs a daily Podcast giving the lastest up-to-date news, which you will not get on most of the main Media.
This is an especially interesting coverage. If you want to understand in greater depth what the podcast is saying, please go to the last video on this posting called “10 Years Later”:
http://larouchepac.com/node/26395 2. THE BIBLE CALENDAR AND THE MARK OF THE BEAST (PT. 1)
This presentation, of the Luni-Solar Calender was for me at first difficult to understand with the American Southern accent of the speaker.
However, on the second hearing I had no difficulty, and found the speaker, easy to follow and biblically sound.
Please ensure you return to the next numbered Video (approx 6 mins each) each time:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX7WTxTiQ7A 2.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZDXcTYzVsU 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKCWDcVfY-c 5.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wSpEa0o9xk 6.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67GD0B5XWpE 7.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YxCfRlc3VY 8.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUTQh0iaHog 9.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdC8cDB0mWM 3. These are two Word documents, which should help us understand the gross deception, of which the Bible warns us at these End times;
“Living under the Last Pope, Pope Francis” (Document)
http://www.worldslastchance.com/end-time-prophecy/living-under-the-last-pope-12-facts-you-must-know.html “Who Are the Jesuits to Whom Pope Francis Belongs?(Document)
http://www.worldslastchance.com/end-time-prophecy/who-are-the-jesuits.html 4. "10 Year Later" Video (55.30): By the strangest coincidence, Lyndon Larouche happened to be giving a live interview to one of New York’s best known Radio Journalists, Jack Stockwell, when the first of those Twin Towers were hit 13 year ago!
What followed is a matter of history and tragedy, for not only America, but also the entire world, and the entire world is still suffering to-day.
http://larouchepac.com/10yearslater END