If you lose this page please click on this Link;
http://ochterlany.livejournal.com/45113.html Dear Friends,
If you have been viewing my Postings on "Live Journal", you must have realised that world events are moving with ever increasing speed, as is Knowledge.
Some of you may be wondering why our British Queen and Royal Family are in the "cross-hairs" of Lyndon Larouche ,and why such a reputedly innocent and beneficent group of people are being picked on as perpetrators of mass World Genocide, with their US collaborators, namely Obama and the British and US Bankers.
This next video is
by Lord Christopher Monckton, Adviser to Margaret Thatcher, who reveals the fallacy of the "Green Policies" of all who have supported Al Gore, and those who support him, such as the Duke of Edinburgh, his family and other "greenies" of whatever persuasion.
This is indeed the "Inconvenient Truth" for those who cannot accept "Truth", but are prepared to continue with such LIES!.
The Choice is wholly in our hands and nobody else!
I am indeed sorry to have to speak bluntly, but this only part of the Truth.
Grace and Peace to your all,
Messenger 4:
Now enters our next Messenger 4
Lord Christopher Monckton
While the main purpose of Lord Monckton is to do an effect "Hatchet job" on the "Greenies" of this world, which he has undoubtedly acheived, and among which Larouche has already identified our Royal Family; this does not mean that one must agree with everything Lord Monckton says.
Lord Monckton Speaking in St. Paul,Minnesota, USA Oct 14th 2009 . In this speech he utterly destroys the so-called ‘science’ behind global warming(1.35.20)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stij8sUybx0&feature=player_embedded Obama's Address to the United Nations on Climate Change On September 23, 2009, President Obama (3.00) gave a speech to the United Nations General Assembly. One of the topics he addressed was climate change, setting the stage for the UN Climate Treaty which he plans to sign in December 2009.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQRlurd1-VE Lord Monckton Interview on Obama's Eligibility as US President and Global Warming (29.37)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz25Rsv8Plc Please check it out for yourself and take what action you consider you should.
Grace and Peace