"Sabbath Service for 16th July 2013 - "A GREAT AWAKENING!"

Jul 15, 2013 10:54

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Music: Blessed be the God and Father

Kindly provided from “The Temple Website”


1. Water Vortex Structure Frequency Experts Discussion  (51.31)http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=Vzm6burVwQc&NR=1

This  is going to be unlike any Sabbath or any other Church Service you may have attended, so please fasten your seat belts and be ready for A GREAT AWAKENING!
Until led to replace this Logo for My “LJ” Website, this will in future be the Logo showing “Structured Water”.


The reason for this is that, I have come to believe, that this is a concept that Yahushua is completely at home with and recognises.

Here are words,spoken by Yahushua as recorded in John  7.38"

"Whoever BELIEVES in ME (Yahushua),

streams of living water will flow from

within him."

(Do you realise,Yahushua here, when he talks of


at the end of this sentence, is speaking not of

himself but of a


This is one of the most remarkable statements made by Yahushua and confirmed by Our Loving Father, and yet most Christians have FAILED TO GET THE POINT!


What is this “Living Water”, to which Our Saviour and Redeemer is referring?

At least 80% of the World consists of Water. Science has now proved this, and our Own and Yahusua’s Body Mass, when He was in a Phyical form, consists of a similar percentage of water.

I BELIEVE this is “The Holy Spirit’s doing , and is NOW available for the benefit of Mankind, and has been since creation!

This Video above of “Structured Water”, simply illustrates that, whenever the Waters of the world are found to be "STRUCTURED" in a clockwise direction, which we now find is so in most cases, they carry the properties of Yahushau, Our Saviour, in all His Power and Glory Literally, including HEALING!

However, Water twisted in  an anti-clockwise direction carries the Power of Satan and his Evil Hosts, including that of
the Design of Evil Men, which are now involving the world in WAR and Chaos.
You may  understand this more clearly, once as you have gone through these subsequent Videos.

Thus we don’t need to play this video on "Structured Water" each time, but the image is there, so that we may be REMINDED of  the wonderful GIFT of this “Living Water” that we are all able to access by “The Holy Spirit” through Yahushua and Our  Father, whenever the need arises.

This is not ANOTHER GIMMICK, but a FACT OF REALITY, provided the True Intention is there in the Heart of the BELIEVER!

2. My conviction is that there are many ways to Yahuwah; some certainly more direct than others, but NON PAINLESS as was the case with Our Saviour throughout His Trial on the Cross!
You are about to learn this REALITYLaRouche on the Weekly Report - July 14th 2010 (1.11.16)

Music: “Can it Be” (4.01)

Sung by AmazingWorship, Author Charles Wesley


This is one of the most remarkable events in the fortunes of the Rothschild-Rockefeller Families that I believe has taken place. It has happened within the last weeks! If you have any knowledge about these two families and the CONTROLLING INFLUENCE they play in all our lives, please take time to listen to the following Videos, and Pray to Our Creator to reveal His HIDDEN SECRETS to you personally!

If, however, your CHOICE is to remain like the Proverbial OSTRICH, you will find yourself  anyway on the roller-coaster, whatever your dreams may have been until now.

There is however a SOLUTION that ends in VICTORY, but it has to be your CHOICE!

4. Michael Prince - Human Cybernization at Q552 Nelson Base (2.29.24)

MUSIC: New Heavens and New Earth

5. Bases 25 Part One SSS Erin (47.07)
As you view this Video, please don't judge this daughter of Rothschild for her lack of knowledge too harshly. Let us remember the ignorance that is ours, as we have journeyed through Life!


6. Benjamin Fulford July 8 2013 - As US "pivots" to Asia, Russia charges into Europe (8.20)
Benjamin Fulford was many years the Asian Editor of "Ford's Magazine", which anybody knowledgeable about News Media and Publishing, should know about. Here is the latest News Flash from Benjamin Fulford on Middle East Events, including NATO and  Russian, Chinese involvement.



human alien war, “Structured Water”, current affairs, vatican, admiral richard byrd, annunaki, bible prophecy, clones, transhumanism, nazi, "new world order", "middle east conflict"

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