Please Click on this Link should you lose this presentation for any reason: Celebration of “Feast of Weeks” or “Pentecost”
Today, according to the Luni-Solar Calendar we celebrate “Feast of Weeks” or “Pentecost”.
1. We are starting with a Study of Paul and Peter to see where this takes us.
For myself, I have found this study most enlightening, for if the Holy Spirit does not reveal an understanding of these scriptures to us fairly easily, it is possible that we may have to do more work on understanding what “Pentecost” is really all about?
In other words the very PURPOSE of “Pentecost”, which many of us, I am sure we thought we understood, we may NOT have understood, and we may have to think again, as we continue our spiritual journey?
This Video of 10.02 minutes is written on screen, but may need careful study and use of curser to stop and start as you go through, so that we may hopefully understand what it is really trying to tell us.
From then on the study take us through the New Testament Book of Philemon in 4 short videos, as explained by the author. There is no need to Click on anything. Just wait for each video to start, only using your curser to for better understanding if need be.
Understanding Paul - Opening a Door of Utterance....(10.02) 2. Bill Cooper: In 2007, I received an email from somebody I had never heard of saying that the CIA in America had killed a person called Bill Cooper two months after the Twin Tower tragedy. My inquisitive hackles were immediately aroused.
Here is Bill Cooper’s remarkable story in a CNN Interview and updated in 2011 (1.59.58): 3. PROJECT CAMELOT: A ROTHSCHILD SPEAKS OUT (1.08.48)
These two Videos feature the same person, while dealing with very different facts in Saha Rothschild’s life.
Saha is a daughter within the Rothschild Family, who has chosen to “blow the whistle” on events in her life, and so expose the hidden atrocities of Sir Evelyn Rothschild and his Satanic Family activities.
Mention is made of Good and Bad Angels, which I found interesting. If this is true, some of us may have our understanding of Angels and messengers of Yahuwah, slightly “screwed Up”.
Wherever the option to SKIP the Advertisement appears, if you wish, please do so by clicking appropriate button Bases 25 Part One SSS Erin (47.07) ? 4. The Book of Enoch - Entire Book, R. H. Charles Version (3.27.21)
Angels are also explained in this Apocryphal “Book of Enoch”, which points out from the start that it is written for this End Time, and for the Final Generation’s Enlightenment, and therefore is especially relevant NOW: 5. Video from WLC: “Heaven's Holy Days” (11.14) 6. Video from WLC: “144,000: The Bride of Yahushua” (13.57) If we find difficulty in understanding any of this Pentecost Presentation, maybe we are not being led by the Spirit of Yahuwah as much as we thought we were. If so we may need to go through these Pages until we do have a better understanding! Of course, as in all matter's of Yahuwah, this is our personal choice.
In our next Presentation, a staggering development, a “TURNING THE TIDE” of events has taken place, which will be revealed!