To regain this posting please click on Link below: Dear Friends,
I hope you understand this Principal of operating in future on work days of the week between Sabbaths. I have done my best to explain and will not embellish further:
The Spiritual & Physical Responsibilities of Mankind.
From now starting to-day, what will be sent out from myself and on my Website will be, I hope, a clear division of Mankind’s Responsibilities .
I am not asking anyone to agree with me, but to simply hear me out.
1. It is now Thursday of what is left of Man’s Working Week.
a. To my understanding, this is the most up-to-date information Man has on Earth of what Mankind’s physical duties are this week.
LPAC Weekly Report: The New Paradigm for Mankind
September 25th, 2013 • 2:59 PM 2. Kra Canal & The Development of Southeast Asia (40.41)
You will find in this a summary of remarkable Work of Mr.Lyndon Larouches World Healing Life , reaching back into the 1980’s and before, compared to the Divide and Conquer tactics of the Anglo- Dutch Empire.
This at first may be strange to many ears, but please listen to what is being said.
Through the conditioning of the education, most people, I believe, have suffered for most of our lives, including myself. from false and misleading Eductation, which is here explained and Challenged
September 26, 2013 • 12:20AM 3. LPAC Policy Committee · September 23, 2013 (51.09)
September 23rd 2013 • 9:55PM To follow to-morrow, during the Weekly Sabbath, there will only be given teaching from the Bible, for that is what this day of REST is meant to be for all Mankind worldwide, whatever may be our present persuasion.
Grace and Peace to us all,