ORDER OUT OF CHAOS ("The New World Order" now being created by Man (false)

Aug 13, 2007 10:30

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1.Out Of  Chaos

Order: http://ochterlany.livejournal.com/939.html

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2.Lyndon Larouche,

one time Adviser to President Ronald Reagan, and himself former US
Presidental Canditate, Explains with his capable Team of accomplished
Advisers, the Key to bringing out of the
present CHAOS - ORDER.

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LPAC Policy Committee - March 11th 2013:


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3. “The Mark of the Beast”: http://www.worldslastchance.com/videos#play881

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4. Yahuwah Helps those who help themselves and OBEY when told. A good example is the Story of Exodus, when YAHUWAH destroyed in the desert all the Children of Isreal that disobeyed the ACTION Moses told them to take,and only allowed Calib and Joshuah to cross the Jordan River with the remainder.

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What do you make of this? This is a matter of  Your choice: http://www.offgrid4patriots.com/video/index.php

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Grace and Peace to all,

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Norman Green-Price

current affairs, "middle east conflict", "new world order", bible prophecy

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