winter break starts today... thank goodness. lifes been good lately. I have a new good friend, her name is jazzmine. she is quiet and reserved and likes to look at the colors of the sky and comment on how beautiful everything is. we end up sitting at home on friday nights doing arts and crafts.
the show hanah montana on disney chanel freaks me out. the main girl in the show is a freshmen at my school and nows shes all "mehh i sing and im on disney chanel and now im rich" the movie american beauty is the most amazing movie ever made..
p.s i have had a stomach virus this weekend including friday. i lost a lot of weight and threw up a lot
my parents got me a car. this weekend we are test driving it. tomorrow we take it to the shop to make sure everything is ok with it... by tomorrow night we will know if i get to keep it, which i prolly will cause it runs fine.. i am happy.
people need to add my new livejournal... my user name is emilycrabtree im going to delete this journal by monday and start using the new one by monday or tuesday so you should add me.just comment under the friendsonly thing k thanks