And we're back, new challenge and all. Hopefully the rest of the changes will be up by the end of the weekend, unless my random, vertigo-inducing illness decides to make a triumphant reappearance. Also, if anyone else would like to volunteer to help out, sign-up are still open,
32 - Something Blue - Open Challenge
Buffy: What's wrong with 'Buffy'?
Giles: Ah, such a good question.
This week's challenge is a pretty generic one, but I like colour challenges, so. The rule is simply that your icon needs to contain something blue. You can, however, interpret that any way you like: an object, a colour, a feeling, or something else that's very clever and falls somehow under the category blue.
You may submit up to two entries.
How to submit entries.
Deadline: Thursday, June 12 at 6pm PST.