at least i'll have greg. and mary. and eileen. and erin. and brittany. and kristie. and wifey. and julie. and charlotte. ................... ashley. and kelsey.
that kind of makes me sad. if you think you've been replaced, we need to have a long girly phone conversation. asap.
AND you have me. and allthough we don't hang out, i still love and adore you and can't wait till we go to nearby colleges [sort of] so we can get coffee in the city.
grampa pulia i swear to G-O-D we better hang out this summer. I dont give one shit that we havent kept in very good touch in the last semester but ill be damned if we dont hang out/party together this summer cuz im NOT going to college without chilling wth my Grandpa first. I wil hunt you down in Cali and kill you /visit your ass if i have to. NOW CALL ME! RIGHT NOW! LIKE AS SOON AS YOU GET THIS!!!! my number is....915-0293. I wuv you!
Comments 8
and mary.
and eileen.
and erin.
and brittany.
and kristie.
and wifey.
and julie.
and charlotte.
ashley. and kelsey.
that kind of makes me sad.
if you think you've been replaced,
we need to have a long girly phone conversation.
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