ummm. school is shitty. i dont know anyone is any of my classes. except i have james in chem. and grant and eamon in gym. i hope when i get my schedule changed my classes will change around and ill actually know people. yeah, thatd be cool. and lauren is going to URI tomorrow. :[
i would just like to say that the past few days have been my absolute favorite all summer. i loved staying up all night in laurens car with james and leah, and then eventually taylor. we waited for the sunrise which really takes a lot longer than youd think, and sang songs.
i havent hung out with some people in a while. i miss them.
i feel like me and him are a lot closer after some things i was able to tell him. it feels amazing being able to trust someone with such important and personal things about yourself that no one else knows. i love him.
sooooooo, im not as grounded as i have been. yesterday i hung out with some kids i havent seen in foreverrrrrrrrrrrr. that was fun, i missed them. other than that, nothing too interesting has happened because i havent been able to really do anything. oh and summer school sucks.
sooooooo today i went to the new house. me and veronica got most of my room painted. the boys stopped by, that was fun. the boys brought us taco bell too.
and tomorrow is the seniors last day of school. :[