Well, PinkGogazenMonkey is well and truly go! Emily, moi et Birdy Joleen (Josh) have been jammin', chillin', NOT drinkin' (coz bird left his bag on th bus) and attempting to write the future smash hit "Pizzas aren't animals
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On the night of the 5th of July, 2004 three companions set out to accomplish a mighty task. Emily, Matt and Bhavna planned to stay up the whole night! Yes, the WHOLE night
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Today, Mehemehmeh and Ughhh played with guns. Ughh got shot in the hand and jumped around like a girl. Haha. Mehmehmeh just laughed and proved thast just because you have a tash doesn't mean you're a boy. Then they decided to bitch about their non existent love lifes (or POTENTIAL love lifes) and Ughhh tried to get around the fact that Pea had used
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