Jun 19, 2006 15:10
this afternoon i discovered a series of blue-green bruises on my kneecap that when looked
at from a certain angle resemble the hawaiian islands. kauai and oahu are almost dead on.
hooray archipelago bruises.
Jun 18, 2006 13:06
oh will you still need me, will you still feed me, when i'm sixty-four?
sir mccartney, of course we will.
happy birthday paul.
because that's what today is all about.mhm.
Jun 15, 2006 13:08
i always wanted to be a tenenbaum, you know.
Jun 12, 2006 14:06
a man said to the universe:
"sir i exist!"
"however," replied the universe,
"the fact has not created in me
a sense of obligation."
for once i enjoyed the literary quote for the english exam.
but hooray, the english exam is finished.
one down, four more to go.