May 13, 2004 19:37
it takes 26 muscles to frown - yet it takes a meer 4 muscles to punch someone in the face.
May 10, 2004 09:40
hello all , this past week end was pretty cool, a show on friday and saturday, and just some good times, and well yeah thats about it. umm sunday was mothers day and i chilled at home alone than went with that little bitch conor, and marcus and my sister to see Bono is the hospital. he was happy, well thats all for now, ~Ben~
May 04, 2004 09:29
so well any way im kinda figurieng this whole live journal thing out now.
Apr 30, 2004 09:19
well now i have a live journal too, well isint this so terribly exciting, hmm yeah will some one be my friend ?