Oct 10, 2004 10:46
The lock out really sucks.
And we're only three weeks in, imagine by March how bad it will be.
So, I think during this time I will learn to play baseball, despite Trevor saying I could never do that. Way to be supportive.
Maybe I will learn Spanish or Whale or something, too.
Aug 18, 2004 07:11
Oh, fuck.
So, what am I doing lately?
Well, since you asked, I am getting ready for World Cup, and stealing beer right out of Jovo's grubby fingers.
Oh, yeah, Jovo and I are having the time of my life. And lemme tell you- make- your-own-dildo-at-home kits... best thing EVER.
Jun 29, 2004 11:28
I have to say that Eddie's birthday went over well.
I knew those Make-your-own-dildo kits would be winners.
Sigh. I win at life.
And Todd- I'm still in Canada if you need anything, and when I go back to Sweden, your boytoy and I will arrange like... a freedom march from the North to the South with big signs that say `FREE TODD BERTUZZI`.
Jun 13, 2004 21:43
the fuck-fest is long since over, but his birthday is coming soon.
No sick pun intended.
Right. Yay. I need to go whack off.
Apr 26, 2004 21:46
I'd edit, but it deserves it's own post.
Find me now on AIM at Faking Mattias
Use it.
Abuse it.
Or me.
Whatever the case.
Use it. Daily.
Now, if only EDDIE would get it...
Well- that would probably ruin my keyboard eventually.
Apr 26, 2004 21:27
unofficial poll.
if I got AIM, who would stand in line to have cybersex with me?
HI Johan.
Apr 20, 2004 06:09
Apr 19, 2004 06:12
Right update.
Triple overtime sucks. Winning doesn't suck.
Being to tired to have sex? Priceless.
Hi Ed. :-*
Apr 15, 2004 12:04
I got a nice hand job in preparation for the game tonight.
Edit: I really rock the cock.